Post Match: Spurs, Hooper, VAR, PL v Liverpool (EPL 30/9/23 5.30pm)

I think the point to constantly clarify because it somehow keeps getting overlooked, is this was not just a refereeing error in that they made a bad decision. They determined that a goal had been scored fairly and contrived a way to not give it.

This is not them saying “we thought it was offside and got it wrong.”

It is not them saying “we couldnt tell if the ball was out so we allowed play to go on but now see with camera angles we didnt have that it was out.”

This is them saying “we knew it was a goal but we just didn’t let you have it.” This is so far beyond normal complaints sides have every week that it seemingly needs to keep being reinforced as the general coverage seems to keep wanting to treat it as just a disgruntled manager upset about a decision he didnt agree with.


Bottom line remains. It is not our problem to offer solutions that don’t benefit us to the maximum. As to whether a replay would then open a can of worms, again that would not be our problem to resolve. These people have created this issue, we are just looking for some justice that is fair for us… If Spurs have a problem with this, let them take it up with PGMOL.
We are LFC, we have been shafted for a very long time by these governing bodies, lets remember that, why on earth would we even contemplate offering an olive branch to them, via accepting less than we can obtain from this scenario.


For arguments sake lets say they say replay…

We win 3-1 and everyones happy…or we lose 3-1 and Salah gets a season ending injury…still happy?

Yes we have been fucked over but we need to move on. Its done.


This. Calling for a replay is pointless and not really in the interests of fair play, in my opinion. The game is over and we need to move on. If we lose out on the title by a point or something, then we might have a civil case to bring against PGMOL/the PL for loss of earnings, etc., but even that I’m not sure helps anyone.

The whole thing is essentially a farce at this point.

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the absolute worst thing anyone can say is move on!

This is precisely why we will have VAR screw ups next week and the week after that and so on…


Well that’s your call. Somebody else’s fuck up isn’t my problem.

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I mean move on from the match. We can still work to hold PGMOL and the VAR accountable and help bring in needed changes, but the result is never going to change.


I dont know. The whole thing is so bizarre that I dont have a strong feeling on what is “right” because its all so uncharted. OI could probably be convinced of anything in the moment with a decently made argument for it. However, at least for right now it feels like the unfairness to Spurs of being made to made to replay it is probably bigger than the unfairness to us to take the loss on the chin while pursuing other remediation (what though?)

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what you are forgetting is that this undermines the integrity of the game in a way that has never happened. The unfairness is crediting spurs with a win…


Holding them accountable is precisely why we should not simply move on…

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You answered your own question

The elephant in the room is that, even just considering this season, there is a pattern of BS decisions against us going back to the Alexis red. Last season we also had instances of apologies after the game when damage had been done and we are also penalised like crazy for 50/50 stuff and Salah for instance doesn’t get Stonewall pens. The pattern here makes this instance much more damning and really at this point the club may as well take the attitude that we may as well blow the whole place up. I’d sooner see us enter a superleague without these corrupt fucks and the hydrocarbon sand clubs even if that means no more PL.



No, it’s not done.


Fair play had no part on Saturday?
They only way to establish fairness is to replay the match.

It most likely won’t happen, and maybe its not correct to ask for it…but it is the only fair way to resolve this issue.


Okay terriffic!

He didn’t. He slid in but pulled out of the challenge


I feel the opposite way because there is no guarantee that some skulduggery won’t be perpetrated against us in the future just because their ineptitude has been exposed. At least we can bank on a fair shot at 3 points if we get the replay, especially given the severe scrutiny that such a match would be under.


There’s a strong chance the more noise we make about it, the more we get our noses rubbed in it. More games to come with these Noddies.

I hope LFC’s lawyers are not that daft to actually expect a replay. The main thing here is to force a VAR revolution in England by changing the rules of the game. When the game is being played at such pace which may even be too much a 33 years old professional footballer, there needs to be more help provided to the onfield referees and VAR referees who are significantly older than 95% of players in top flight to get the decisions right.

I have a few points to improve the game

  1. Offsides can have semi-automated judgements just like Qatar 2022.
  2. Allow Managers to challenge yellow cards as the presence of a yellow card booking will change the tactical complexion of the game for both sides. To ensure the game is not excessively delayed, AI-assisted VAR can be used by VAR referees to make the final call instead of the on-field referee who may not seen the incident.
  3. To prevent any foul play, all such challenges in point 2 or any manual changes in Point 1 will need to be recorded via video recordings and be uploaded within 15 minutes after the conclusion of the match.

A possible secondary objective of LFC keeping the saga going IMHO is to force Howard Webb to step down as his leadership of the referees just leads to more mistakes now and the future.


Answers, just answers. When we get them we can push for whatever happens next

I still want to know what was said between England and Hooper after the incident and how they decided to act as a result.

It felt like they decided we should lose to make the goal irrelevant. They are influencing the game rather officiating it.