Post Match: Spurs, Hooper, VAR, PL v Liverpool (EPL 30/9/23 5.30pm)

Just talked to the brother in law (massive spurs fan) and had to manoeuvre the conversation away as quickly as possible. One he thinks that Klopp is making excuses and the team has loads of problems and two “these things” happen and we should just move on. It’s so weird. On the one hand he’s quite clever and but on the other hand he comes up with these sorts of shallow statements and you can just see that he thinks this is their year……. Ha! On top he thought Mourinho and Conte were the ones to deliver the glory days - just bizarre.

VAR will always cause controversy even when it’s the right outcome by the rules set out.Those controversies will affect every club.
A slight nudge in the box resulting in a soft peno,a tug of a shirt which doesn’t .A red that feels harsh,someone who gets away with a bad challenge or professional foul.At these times all fans of clubs on the “wrong” end of these decisions will be up in arms That’s when you tell them people make mistakes,accect it and move on,then sit back and watch them flip cos it’s happened to them.


The only problem is when it happens more to your team than to your main rivals.

As in infinitely more.


… and that is only taking into account what Salah gets compared to the 11 on field for the other teams.
It’s so bad for Salah he even gets fouled and it gets called against him.
Ok it’s a while since I bothered watching other teams however I have never seen a case like it. Salah is quite ‘nice’ and inoffensif on the field yet some real thugs get away with murder.

Someone shoulmd spend their life just totting up the injustices called against Salah compared to just anyone else!

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The only way to show bias against you from the refs etc is to document it.If after you document it you can show this bias then bring it to them and start asking questions at the end of each season.Look at what has happened to other clubs and compare their treatment to ours.

Lot of permutations to be considered here. Would need a super duper size computer to cross-reference a tabulated bias shown, versus a fairness column.
As in…

  1. Penalty awarded to us when we are 4-1 up
  2. Foul count evened out in the last 10mins of a game…
  3. Yellow cards in the first 10mins of a game against our midfielders or defenders… etc etc

The whole integrity of the game, unfortunately, is in the hands of the numpty’s in the middle


Just need an eye and a brain that works!

Can’t decide if this is sarcasm.

Oh My God Reaction GIF by Lifetime

It’s why Klopp infuriates me with his reasonable nice guy approach. The doper would be crying about any one of our reds this season until the end of time and continually claiming that the cheaters have it hard with the result that this would become an accepted part of football discourse so of course they would get decisions in their favour to appease this. Instead we have this ineffectual whinge and then acceptance coming from Klopp and it just makes it easier for the refs. Klopp needs to be removed from pressers completely and the club say sorry PL and media our new ‘media manager’ is some PR cunt who will eloquently and single mindedly prosecute each and every slight unfairness and nothing else. In parallel I’d like to see FSG look to kick-start a super league making sure we keep out the sand cunts.

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He’s doing everything to ensure there is absolutely no possible way a replay can take place. He’s the Spurs manager, so it’s not surprising.

He did say below which I 100% agree with:

"> When I listened to that audio, saying ‘check complete’… somebody obviously thought that’s a good way of finalising things. The logical thing to say would be ‘goal for Liverpool’ but I’m saying that with ignorance of not really knowing how it’s set up.

"But when you listen to that, there’s probably better ways of communicating a clear decision and I hope that’s what they’re addressing, rather than the individual that made the mistake.

Without question this clusterfuck doesn’t happen if there are better communication protocols, and that’s what needs to change.

Paul Tompkins has some interesting work?

I’ve found myself in conversation with a lot of Spurs fans over the last week, and the main narrative seems to be that Liverpool fans should accept we were beaten and move on.

At the same time that handball should never have stood, and they were robbed of a European Cup.

I’ve had a lovely week pointing out it was a stonewall pen, they subsequently created the square root of fuck all, and Div scored another to make sure it didn’t matter in the slightest.


I remained convinced that Liverpool would have won by more if the penalty never happened.
It was a difficult concept to have an early lead in such a game, and that stifled the creativity in the team.

No penalty, we would be talking about a 3 or 4 nil win.

My memory of that final was of Liverpool holding Spurs at bay, like bigger kid with his hand on a little kids head, Spurs swinging ineffective, hopeless arms, until Liverpool finally just decked them with a single punch.


Did you remind them that to win a game you have to score.Since they didn’t ,i don’t understand how they were robbed ,unless they figure they would have beaten us on peno,s(disregarding Div,s goal ).


In essence, they knew they were going to get humiliated without the referees’ help.

They also knew they had been punching above their weight in getting to the final… and that was when they knew they would be laid on the canvas

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Yep, we did.

It was also exceptionally hot which affected the quality of the game, and probably decided how we’d play after going one up.

We were a much better side than Spurs. Kane and Firmino were both unfit for the game and were both awful, our other 10 (plus subs) were far better than theirs.


There was a short period in the 2nd half when they really came at us and had 3(i think) good opportunities/shots where they could have scored but we held strong and then we came back into it.