Post match: West Ham v Liverpool (27/4/24 12.30pm)

There’s a fine line yet a big difference between hope and expectation, and yet somehow many seem to miss this nuance.

And we’re not even the finished article yet. There’s still so much more that this team can deliver, and the good work we did in much of the season is a good base to start from.

If the recent few results had come in earlier on, I think a lot of the narrative would be very different, even if the final results were exactly the same.

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Didn’t see the game, read 220 comments,clearly Taylor needs his arse handed to him on a platter, but it wont happen.
Saw the clip on Mo’s reaction to whatever Klopp said to him, and his reaction, initially to Darwin’s interventional go to show two clear points, the Manager has the say about who goes on, and when, and no man is bigger than the club.
That said, it seems uncharacteristic from Mo.
It has been a good season up till the last month, but it has come apart somewhat now, sadly.

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I’m not afraid to say there’s a decent amount of hypocrisy in some things @mascot says.

But that’s no problem. There’s is no-one on this forum that isn’t a hypocrite in some form. As long as we can all admit it.

Great points.

Last season was a suitable disaster—yet even then, a Europa spot was secured. This time around, a league cup and a Top 4 finish. Aston Villa will be rejoicing wildly to be in this rarified air, whilst many (myself included) are gutted with what appears to be such a paltry haul of honors.

With all this said, I have always been of the mindset that the future is promised to no one. While there is a nice foundation at LFC to build upon and improve, one can also be rightfully concerned that the incoming manager may not mold this group in such a way that going to the next levels will be achieved. An old saying “Difficult to be the next one in behind a legend”, is apropos. The future is that sort of unknown.

Anyhow, football with these fellows is still fun, and at least we aren’t Everton supporters. :smile:

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Possibly another contributing factor in his decision to leave?
Managers get hammered for speaking out of turn, but club officials refusing to highlight what are now recurring issues and making their feelings known?

So many times things just swept under the carpet and barely mentioned, but you know you have a case for complaint when MOTD highlight it and come out with.
“The referee’s had an absolute nightmare”
“That’s a massive howler”

Klopp interview very brief on MOTD, did he refer to this incident in other post match comments?


I have always felt VVD has enough on his plate organizing the defense. Everytime he stepped into the captains role we seemed to fade and he appeared lost. He maybe the group leader but for me has never shown he’s captain on the pitch.
It’s got to be said him and Trent as captain vice captain combo has never felt right. Neither leads by example. Mac has stepped up this season perhaps he’d be better taking a more important role?

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It was good to see Salah have a strop, I have regular strops, it’s been sickening watching him miss the goal so often and just grin away. Ok it’s a pity it was with Klopp however Klopp isn’t the club he’s the manager and many of my strops are with my manager. In fact my present manager is such a fuckwit I have no respect or confidence in him so don’t even bother getting in a strp with him as he’s not worth it. So a bit of tension and emotion won’t hurt anyone and might even do some good.

I haven’t wanted to say before, but I’m not convinced by Virg as captain. He seems to do a lot of moaning and arm flapping, even when he’s at fault. Doesn’t seem the encouraging, lead by example type. Obviously an incredible defender but maybe Mac might be a better captain


Before he was announced I wanted Alisson as captain, still think he has that presence to command.

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I haven’t seen him mention it in any interview as yet.Sky still completely ignoring it like it never even happened.

i dont disagree with you regarding an underlying bias or whatever is the best way to put it…however…

im going to suggest a club run as such as ours might be asking questions through the ‘correct’ chanels and not going all rogue like forest…

lets just say thats not working, and, as far as im concerned, im happy with Klopps level of suggestion without saying…

so if its not enough… what would you like to see the club do, officially, whilst remaining some form of dignity.

its a tough one, something needs to be done…

but what have to happen and from whose mouth would it have to come from to have you saying…’ yep, about time, im happy with that’

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didnt the old rule used to be to finish the ball even if you hear the whistle so the keeper knows you can beat him… im sure he would have been taught that

‘play to the whistle’ is more a defenders moto, as in, even if the world can see its a blatent foul/offside play until you hear it officially…its a saying based on a different scenario.

IMHO, the way some of this can be interpreted is if we look at who actually owns us… Razor sharp business men, with razor sharp business minds… It is these people who have the most self interest in keeping the LFC brand untarnished… Slinging mud, pointing fingers, shouting the odds at the blatant cheating that we are being subjected to on a weekly basis… All of this, and more.
Recently they were looking for investors, one day they will be looking for a buyer… keeping their brand polished up, is the way to garnish the best value for it…
To them, Jurgen and the fans getting cheated out of silverware, is the nature of the beast we just have to endure - Are they bothered we come so close, yet remain so far from winning the PL time and again…?? Probably, maybe, but then maybe not… there will always be another PL to win the next season, another cup, another competition… are they bothered we’ve never had a clean sweep… who knows…!
What I do know, or at least suspect… the brand LFC comes before the fans bragging rights… The upside of this, at least if it can called an upside… we would not be where we are now without FSG taking charge… We would not have had the special human being we call Jurgen being part of our journey as fans to date -
We all have to pay the piper at some stage in life… We could have worse owners than those we have now… could we have had better ones… Who knows eh
As galling as it is to be screwed over time and again, maybe FSG feel playing the long game regarding PGMOL, is one that is unfolding at present but we have just not realised yet what that could be…


I don’t believe the club are doing anything behind the scenes. If they are then it hasn’t worked. What you need to remember is this isn’t anything new, we’ve been getting fucked over for well over a decade. The faces may change but it’s been clear over an extended period of time. It’s been ramped up and imo this season is the worst yet.
I’d be happy for John Henry or another member of the board to go public and openly call out PIGMOL or whatever the fuck they call themselves as the cheats they are. Question their integrity. It’s not like there’s nothing to back any of it up, you could compile a video of the shite decisions we have suffered over the past 10 years and nobody in their right fucking mind could watch it and still claim these cunts don’t have an agenda against our club.
The argument they will double down and punish us even more holds no water at this point, we have reached a stage where it it’s more or less fucking pointless competing in this league because they simply wont allow us to win it. They tried to cheat us in 19/20 on numerous occasions but we were just too good.
I wont be holding my breath though, we are run by fucking cowards who don’t really give a shit as long as the cash is rolling in.

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On the Salah v Klopp tete r tete…who should split them up…Darwin the most feisty…and how did he know what they were saying.:blush::blush::blush:

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It wasn’t just Darwin though. Gomez was there as well and stepped in half a second latter.

One thing I will disagree with is knowing what they are saying. You don’t need to understand a langue to understand when people are having a disagreement and when they are having a full blown argument/row as the tone and body language will be totally different

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Amazing that I find myself agreeing with you. Virg, for all his presence, doesn’t seem to inspire those around him. On many occasions he’s the one at fault but seems to look for others to blame. Mac seems to be consistently putting in the graft and is a quality player. Couldn’t argue against this either.


The words ‘Fuck Off’ can be understood in most languages.

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I just can’t imagine Mo telling Klopp to…fuck off…

But it depends upon the intonation.

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