Post match: West Ham v Liverpool (27/4/24 12.30pm)

The club never complains when PGMOL are allowed to nominate referees from Manchester and referees who clearly have an agenda against Liverpool we have lost so many points due to their continuous and deliberate incompetence

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Well, itā€™s over a day nowā€¦looks like the club are o.k with a ā€˜refereeā€™ deliberately stopping us scoring a legitimate goal and then creating a bogus injury situation to cover his clear cheating.
Fucking pathetic.


The clubā€™s official mouthpiece canā€™t do anything.

To complain about being robbed means that youā€™re a ā€œWhinging Scouserā€, which is on about the same level as being labelled antisemitic.

The whole thing is fucked. Thatā€™s why I just watch Liverpool games these days, in the hope of seeing some quality football (not that it has happened in a while), and ignore everything else.

Fuck the authorities (including both the Conservative and Conservative-light ā€œNew Labourā€ governments) who have allowed this situation to develop over the last three decades or so.

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You might not have noticed that Football is a very tribal sport.

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Tribalism implies a lack of objectivity.

Anybody who didnā€™t see the proof provided in the video footage LFC could supply would not just be tribal but an absolute fucking idiot.


Agree with this. The amount of match-changing, so-called ā€˜errorsā€™ against us this season has been staggering. Many of them have been coming during direct confrontation with our title rivals, but not only. How many? Six? Seven ā€˜errorsā€™? If everything had gone normal during these games, or if things had evened themselves out during the season, weā€™d find ourselves with at least six or seven points more on the board, while Arsenal and the Abu Dhabi cheaters would have a few points less.


You can raise whatever evidence you like. The rest of football would just snap into whinging victim scousers mode.

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maybe. probably.

but who gives a fuck what they think? fans of other clubs can go Bantz mad all they like, they dont have the power to internally investigate. im sure in the official halls if you make it a problem that wont just dissappear overnight they would need to be seen to be doing something.

despite all that, a clever ploy would be to present our case, and suggest the standards need to improve across the board ā€¦plenty of clubs would be on that train, and the end result would still be the referee overhall. just play a little bit of politics with it.

lets say we struck first but instead of going it alone, we left the door open, and a pile on happened (which it would)ā€¦but a few clubs said 'nah its all good, theres nothing wrong ā€™ ā€¦soon enough those backing the incumbants start to look like they have a dog in the fight

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Well, they do need to improve across the board. I think it helps when we call out odd decisions that actually go in our favour. (Not that there are many). I have seen shite refereeing going against Manchester United and Everton this season. It doesnā€™t make it right that a rival has suffered from it. Crap refereeing makes the whole game unwatchable.

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Something has to be done, but there is a question of what that is. It canā€™t be the kind of things suggested here. It canā€™t be the kind of performative reflex that would satisfy the fans.

We can say it doesnā€™t matter what other fans think of us, and to a certain extent that is true. But fans are one part of footballā€™s ecosystem, including pundits, journalists, administrators and so on - and they are all influencing each other. The PL and the PGMOL do not exist in a vacuum.

We know what a club looks like when they go properly wild. There is a club in this league that have collectively lost their minds. Forest have gone full Jaffod. Calling out refs. Throwing out accusations. Threatening legal action. Their owner trying kick down door to the referees room. Appointing Clartenberg to pressure PGMOL (who, in my opinion is bringing Gladiators into disrepute). They have gone to war with PGMOL. Has it worked out for them?

All that achieves is that the rest of football thinks that they are ridiculous. For anything to happen there is a PR battle that needs to be won first. Everyone outside Forest thinks they have lost the plot. That makes it really hard to leverage any kind of change. There are legitimate accusations that they are less interested in getting what they deserve, and more focussed on getting preferential treatment.

Furthermore, it is very easy for that kind of hard luck everyone is against us culture seep into the football. It seems like that idea that they are being shafted by refs every week have infected the club from top to bottom, and Iā€™m certain that if the club had spent more time focussing on they things they can control and less time tilting at windmills, theyā€™d be a lot better off now points wise.

So Iā€™d like the club to remain professional and and dignified, while working behind the scenes to force improvements. We are in a pretty unique position in that weā€™re the only club with a grievance that doesnā€™t fall into the realms of a subjective decision. Weā€™ve all had dodgy pens and iffy red cards. How many have had a valid goal chalked off because of a catastrophic communications failure?

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Unfair description.
Iā€™ve seen nothing heā€™s highlighted as even remotely without justification.
Just because he expresses it in ā€œman on the streetā€ terminology doesnā€™t make it any less prevelant.

Iā€™d much rather subscribe to his take than that of our silent spineless club, or huge section of apologist acceptance supporters


@jaffod wants the club to make legitimate challenge to unfair treatment by PMGOL/refs/VAR/Authorities over the years.

Forest are entitled to make complaints, maybe the manner or rationale is poor.
Incorrect to compare with what Liverpool should be doing though.


Iā€™m not criticising his analysis. Itā€™s the methodology Iā€™m questioning.

Based on what heā€™s said in the past, Forest seem to be the closest barometer to what Jaffod would like LFC to be doing - going public with accusations of cheating, corruption, allegiances etc. threatening legal challenges and so on.

Iā€™m not a Forest fan, so I can view this fairly objectively. They look fucking ridiculous. And thatā€™s also acknowledging that they they have been on the end of some absolute howlers.

The problem is that

  1. The victim culture they have created has seeped into the culture on the pitch. They would have more points if the players were focus on what the can control and not getting themselves wound up alongside the owner.

  2. They are now seeing injustices that simply arenā€™t there. For example the drop ball controversy against us.

  3. They have made themselves less likely to get any kind of action. They are seen as not particularly credible voice in the discussion.

  4. The bad decisions have now become a self fulfilling thing, where refs (not the most professional lads) are thinking ā€˜these are stroppy arsehole trying to pressure me and my mates - Iā€™d better be the hard man. I think they get at least one of those penalties against Everton if their Chairman hadnā€™t been kicking off.

All those pathways are open to us. I think we have to be more professional than Forest.

Nothing against Jaffod - I rarely disagree with his view of incidents. But I completely disagree with the kind of reaction he would like to see.

I would like to see Liverpool privately push for an inquiry into refereeing standards at PGMOL - including refs working on by the side for Cityā€™s owners, the role of VAR. Every club bar City have had questionable decisions, and I think there would be support for that proposal.


Something definitely needs to be done, both to combat the clearly corrupt decision making, and the downright incompetent decision making.
VAR were supposed to relieve the problem of real time split second decisions gone wrong.

They are proving time and time again that there is a shocking lack of consistency across the board.

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I think the biggest problem we have is that these lads have egos the size of fucking planets. They donā€™t like to admit to errors, they consider themselves infallible, they are not open to scrutiny or accountability. And you have the biggest ego of them all running the show.


When you consider that these guys will have had the chutzpah to survive years of abuse from Sunday League players, then only the most hard-faced egotists that enjoy lording it over people will have made it this far.

Oliver was literally 5 feet from the incident which saw Rice hoof the Spurs player.
Had he not been called to review it, Spurs donā€™t get awarded a stone wall penalty.
As I recall, VAR didnā€™t invite Oliver to view the Doku assault on McAllister.

Again, no consistency

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That was unbelievable. Volleyed him in the balls, nowhere near the ball, with Oliver looking right at it :man_shrugging:t2:

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The biggest concern in my opinion is why the ref ws watching a players todger rather than focusing on the game he is ment to be refereeing?

He wanted to go to screen for another look