Post match: West Ham v Liverpool (27/4/24 12.30pm)

…then he asked could he inspect the damage…!

You can ask “has it worked out for them?” and that’s fine, maybe nothing has changed from their point of view.

Then you say you’d like the club to remain professional and dignified, while working behind the scenes to force improvements. How’s that looking for us? This hasn’t started this season. It first became noticeable for me around about the time of our title challenge in 2014. Those games away at City and Chelsea over Christmas, closely followed by the FA Cup defeat at Arsenal, stunk to high heaven. It’s been a one-way street ever since. Any season we look like putting in a challenge for the title the same old ‘incompetent’ refereeing decisions scupper our chances. 2019, 2022, 2024. All seasons when we can look back and isolate a number of matches where we have been fucked over by the same old faces to the extent it’s cost us the title. Webb has gravitated from being one to fuck us over on the pitch to one who oversees others fucking us over then goes on TV and gaslights the nation.
So the question is, how long have we remained professional and kept our dignity? 2 years? 5 years? 10? I’d say it’s not worked in the slightest, in fact they’ve ramped it up as time’s gone on…there are 6 matches this season already where we have had inexplicable decisions go against us and have ended up dropping points. The difference between winning the title and finishing 3rd.
They’re laughing at us. They don’t give a fuck about our dignified response (if there has in fact been one) or our professionalism. They despise our club. They despise our fans. They despise Jurgen Klopp.
I’ve said before, there is literally no point in us trying to challenge for the PL title as things stand. I would much rather we called them out publically as the fucking cheats they are. At least then next time we have a clear-as-day penalty turned down, one of our players assaulted by an official, a perfectly good goal ruled out by the VAR or a referee actively stopping us from scoring a goal and the nonsense that followed to cover his arse we can say “we know you are cheating us because you’ve been doing it for years”.
Who cares what anyone thinks? What have we got to lose from how things are right now? Our acceptance and media-silence has been rewarded with a big “fuck you” from PGMOL as they allocate more and more manc referees and cunts like Coote, Attwell and Brooks to our matches.

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Seriously , this is not the way to go, if we did exactly what you say, how long would it be , ignoring all the fines this club would be facing before one idiot took it to heart and actually killed a ref?

Not being alarmist, but something like this would happen and then the press would have a field day with us , turning every man and his dog against as they always try to do, and we’d probably be excluded from everything.

Let other clubs do the shouting for a change and let us concentrate on playing the game the best we can.

It’s hard to answer this question, because I don’t know what avenues are open for the club behind the scenes.

My call for professionalism and dignity should not be interpreted as ‘do nothing’. That isn’t what I’m saying.

Liverpool could be at the head of a movement of clubs to demand greater accountability and professionalism from PGMOL. A good start would be that referees working for PGMOL cannot enter into paid employment by people that own clubs in the same fucking league. This season has been marred by refereeing fuck ups. There is a general consensus that the current bunch is woeful. There will be appetite to tackle this systemically.

It’s probably easier to say what I don’t want. I don’t want Liverpool hiring the bloke of Gladiators to write angry letters to PGMOL. I don’t want furious tweets from the club official account calling people cheats, corrupt or saying they support Man City. I don’t want a victim culture that drifts into the playing squad and gives players an excuse to not perform. I don’t want to see the club lose all sense of perspective and start calling for inquests over corners, or throw in or drop ball nonsense.

We have seen what this looks like when you aren’t already in the bubble. It looks fucking ridiculous.

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I have no problem with that, but it seems that his actions always seem to be after the fact, whereas the likes of Carra was always heard and seen to be organising during the game.

Although this isn’t just down to Virg we need more talkers organising and passing on information especially in the defensive side of the game as we see often players out of line, runners not picked up etc.

When a team communicates effectively it makes everyhing so much easier.

Liverpool should initiate legal action against the ref and VAR at the Spurs away match, City and Arsenal home matches for negligence leading to loss of revenue from losing points in the league.
Big calls that are totally incorrect.

thats literally what i said and you replied (post 253) with a whole heap of reasons as to why that wouldnt work?

im lost.

It’s a frustrating decision but it’s far from cheating.

Ultimately it’s a misunderstanding due to poor communication. Areola has misunderstood what’s been given, the ref realises he’s probably not communicated it as clearly as perhaps he should and has then stopped play to correct that miscommunication.

The injury stuff is odd and probably the result of panic at what’s transpired. Buy him some thinking time. That to me is more concerning as it speaks to a sense of panic, uncertainty and a loss of control over the situation.

The fact it wasn’t a foul in the first place is also disappointing but keepers get those all the time. He was then going to take his “free kick” about ten yards forward of where the “foul” was a the ref was okay with that.

Another example of poor refereeing but it isn’t cheating, it’s a misunderstanding resulting from poor communication.

Those other clubs who are doing the shouting are being ridiculed all over the shop. They’re being accused of muddying the waters, diluting the outrage the disallowed Diaz goal generated.
Basically the message seems to be STFU. Personally I think our club are heeding that message.


I’ll tell you what’s mad.

Imagine we’d been top going into the West Ham match on Saturday and Taylor pulls that stunt. There would have been fucking bedlam amongst the fanbase. Who knows, even a couple of the players might have politely enquired of Taylor wtf he thought he was doing? Somebody high up at the club might have released a mildly worded statement bemoaning the lack of consistency regarding refereeing decisions.
The point is we were robbed of the last sliver of a chance we had to compete for the title and nobody seems to give a shite. Blind acceptance. We all sit around arguing whether we should ‘say something’ or not.
I doubt it has even been discussed by senior management. I’ll bet it’s been discussed by PGMOL though. I reckon they’re fucking laughing at us and I wouldn’t blame them.


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None of which makes any sense.

Taylor only panics when Gakpo is presented with a scoring opportunity.
Blowing his whistle stops that action, even though there is nothing wrong with the action. He is an experienced professional and he knows that.

If he allows play to continue and disallows the goal, VAR intercede and tell him to award the goal.

Blowing his whistle stops that happening. There is no rational explanation for blowing it.

Liverpool were cheated.


We weren’t though. This isn’t even close to being on par with the Diaz one. It’s probably not even as big a miscue as the drop ball at Forest.

It’s a misunderstanding because he hasn’t been clear in his communication. That’s not the keepers fault and he shouldn’t be punished for the refs failings.

Dare I say it’s a bit of common sense refereeing, even if it’s not to the letter of the law. It’s exactly what we were clamouring for with the Diaz incident. Correct the issue of misunderstanding rather than simply ploughing on and compounding the error because the laws say you should.

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The goalkeeper wasn’t injured.
If he was he should put the ball out of play.
He was aware he had advantage, though no one knows why.
He plays the ball, ergo ending advantage.

Taylor sees the Gakpo opportunity and blows his whistle to stop him.

How you call that common sense is beyond me.
Common sense would allow play to continue and let VAR intervene if neccessary.


The blowing of the whistle for a foul communicates to the goalie that the ref has awarded a foul, no whistle no foul awarded, so how can there be miscommunication.

Keeper has an howler and the ref protects him, no way is there any comparison to what happened to the Diaz onside goal.


I know it’s Twitter, and a Spurs fan posting it, but I wouldn’t be at all surprised if this was true.
Oliver really thinks he’s the main attraction on a pitch containing 22 very highly paid professional athletes.
Similar situation to our game against City, where he either refused to look at the Doku assault, or wasn’t asked to review it, either way it’s either him thinking he’s the holy grail, or his VAR buddies too scared to dent his massive ego.

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Not how advantage works.

Because clearly the refs intention with whatever he’s said or indicated has been misunderstood otherwise he wouldn’t have stopped Gakpo from advancing.

It’s crappy refereeing but you’d be fuming if the shoe was on the other foot and they were allowed to score because the ref wasn’t clear.

I doubt VAR can intervene here so the common sense outcome is to stop the game and make things clear.

If he felt he’d been clear enough initially and the keeper simply had a brain fart, he’d have let him score. These efficacious little pricks would have loved to do that. The fact he calls a halt suggests he doesn’t think he’s done a good enough job in telling the keeper what’s happening.

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