Post match: West Ham v Liverpool (27/4/24 12.30pm)

edit (the sky video not avaliable in my location so i cant work out from the quotes)

what exactly didnt he comunicate properly?

seems a bit odd to me…

what did the keeper think had happened? he releases the ball, so i assume he thinks he got a free kick, but how can you miscomunicate NOT blowing for a foul?

im trying to join the dots…

also, is this miscomunication explanation an official version of events, or our speculation?

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how does it work?

assuming you are going to quote the 3 second/next phase of play rule, but im sure the keeper had the ball comfortably for a period, then released it

Playing the ball doesn’t make for an advantage and the ref can, and do, pull play back if an advantage doesn’t play out.

My thinking is this. The ref doesn’t blow for a foul because Areola has possession. If he’d spilt it, he’d have blown for a foul. Instead he basically says play from there. Areola thinks he’s given it as a foul.

Once Gakpo advances the ref realises he’s not been clear to the keeper he’s playing advantage and not a foul. The ref is already half a pitch away expecting the long ball out. The only way to correct the misunderstanding is to blow the whistle. Areola hasn’t had an advantage from the foul, the ref realises it’s his fault the situation has arisen and takes steps to address that error.

It’s still poor refereeing. But it is common sense to stop the way he does.

This is very much your opinion of a decision taken by a referee who already has form.

You are trying to make sense of a bizarre decision, and applying mental gymnastics to do so. You even have Taylor expecting " a long ball", whilst the keeper is in possession?

In the first instance, there is no foul.
Even if there is, advantage is played.
The keeper hasn’t sought assistance and continues to play.
The ball is in play…

Taylor finishes the slim hope Liverpool have of competing for the league.

Yes it’s my opinion. And your perspective is also an opinion. Difference is mine has a plausible rationale behind it, yours is based on a ref deliberately cheating.

Agree, it’s not really a foul but let’s be honest here, keepers get those all the time. To the point it’s annoying how often they get soft fouls just like this.

The advantage might be intended to be played but then Gakpo scoring is hardly an advantage now is it?

Taylor has backed off towards half way as all the players have shifted back towards the middle of the field. You can see that quite clearly so it’s not mental gymnastics in the slightest.

The fact is, you either think there’s been some kind of confusion and the ref has stepped in to try and clear that up, or you believe, as you seem to do, that Taylor has deliberately tried to cheat Liverpool out of a goal in full view of 50,000 fans, a TV audience of millions and the world’s sports media.

One of those requires a lot more mental gymnastics than the other…

Our opinions differ.

Doubt we will change the others

VAR Expert Explains Why Cody Gakpo was Stopped From Scoring vs West Ham (

what a load of shit ( the explanation, not your defence of it)

hes bought play back because he DIDNT blow the whistle… what the actual fuck…thats a pisstake.

surely its the keepers error for not realising an advantage has been played…lets see what would happen if Nunez advances on a keeper, doesnt hear a whistle and stops anyway…will they give as the free kick anyway? will they fuck.

this is a bad as the jota penalty that wasnt given because he slowed down or some shite vs Spurs

as for the advantage…even if i concede enough time has passed from the foul…(which i wont)…he cant pull up play, as Gakpo hasnt turned over that advantage

finally…its not even a foul…ill need to look again but somehow i cant seem to find any footage of the incident on the net ( that i can view)…id love to see it again, just so i can either correct myself or confirm my initial reaction. im pretrty sure no one was near him, he just goes down injured to waste time.

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the only reference i can find to the ‘foul’ is that the keeper collided with the post, and went down injured… but stod up, ball in hands to play on.


ahwell…luckily enough these things even out over the course of the season…remember that time when we got a drop ball in our own box…

Why would the ref need to be clear he’s playing an advantage when no foul has been committed? Where does advantage come into it?

Again, you talk of advantage “from the foul”. What foul? There wasn’t one so how does the advantage rule apply?

It’s all quite simple. If no foul is awarded and Taylor gestures for play to continue, which he clearly does, then he has no right to stop play if Areola fucks up. There is no point in the whole episode where the advantage rule comes into play.


So wrongly being awarded a drop-ball 100 yards from the opposition goal and 2 whole minutes before a goal is scored is a bigger fuck-up than denying a team a legitimate goal that would have taken them joint top of the league with 3 matches to go?
I’m starting to think that drop-ball is the biggest refereeing mistake in the history of football.


I think the only thing I disagreed with you about was that it doesn’t matter what the rest of football think.

The rest I agreed with.

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No I wouldn’t, I would be slating the keeper, i.e play to the whistle referee fucked up, simple

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That is shit, no whistle no foul, if the keeper doesn’t understand then what the eff is he doing playing professional footy

The ball was in the keepers possesion well enough truly long en9ugh for any supposed advantage to be over

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Also, we should have had a free kick for the foul on Konate just prior to the drop ball error


So that is where the confusion comes into play. People can’t even agree on what the gesture Taylor makes means. Has he waved for an advantage because there’s no reason to blow for a foul or has he waved for play to carry on as if no infringement has been made?

Clearly he’s created some confusion which he’s then stepped in to address.

There are two possibilities here. One is confusion caused by poor communication. The other is outright cheating. The fact he blows up before Gakpo gets to the ball suggests he’s expecting the players to act differently than they do because he thinks he’s communicated something they haven’t understood.

The only other possibility is he thinks Areola has put the ball down and stopped playing because he needs treatment.

Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by incompetence and these refs have shown time and again their level of incompetence. He’s trying to correct his own incompetence by stopping play.

Not how advantage works.

So nothing malicious ever happens because everyone is incompetent?

Yeah, right.


He clearly felt it wouldn’t be a legitimate goal.

Shoe on the other foot, Bowen scores that goal and the ref gives it. You’re telling me you’d be entirely happy with that?

No chance.

I don’t think getting into the semantics of language is entirely helpful at this junction but malice implies intent, incompetence implies a lack of ability.