Post match: West Ham v Liverpool (27/4/24 12.30pm)

Klopp: ok Mo, time for you to win this for us
Mo: we wouldn’t be in this situation if you’d picked me to begin with
Klopp: uh
Mo: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Do I know that is what happened? No. But do I “know” that is what happened? Yes.

I never liked people making insinuations. If you have something to say, say it. This isn’t North Korea.

Technically Edwards isn’t at the club this summer either.

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I fully agree on that, but there is no facts what so ever to even remotely says this was caused by that.

Come on. I’m Salah’s biggest defender here. I’m one of the few to argue that the lad shouldn’t be written off on the basis of a few bad games. If there is a body of opinion that he’s suddenly shit, and there seems to increasingly be, I’m certainly not part of it.

But today was out of order from him. He has no automatic entitlement to 90mins. It’s not the first time he had at strop on the touch line if Klopp has subbed him or not started him.

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Yes, Klopp did speak to him. Let’s try to imagine what he said:

Was it something like this?
You’re shit Mo, I’m only sticking you on because the sponsors are forcing me

Or maybe something innocuous like this?
Go and win us the game Mo. If a chance comes, bury it.

It’s inconceivable that it wasn’t something innocuous, a gee up, a soundbite, win us the game sort of a thing. Even if it was a brief tactical comment, he’s the manager and he should!

Mo’s reaction is well off. It’s an unnecessary distraction, and we don’t need it.

It happens, and I can buy that, to a point. Klopp was asked, after the game, and he said he spoke with the player in the dressing room. That draws a line under it.

Only now - if it is true that Mo said the comment about there will be fire if I speak - it’s all becoming a spectacle again, and that’s poor from Mo Salah.

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I know, that’s the point I was making. If Edwards was around (and more importantly had control over transfers) I’m betting he’d have jumped at that kind of fee for someone hitting his 30’s and showing early signs of decline.

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Ill say again there are no facts what so ever to say what set this off so to say its about not doing 90 minutes is just wrong and is shifting blame on to Salah with no proof.

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@rer, I think you are looking for a fight where there isnt any. Salah was frustrated for not starting. I doubt Klopp called him a useless cunt before putting him on. Chances are klopp encouraged him to go get it, and Mo’s frustration at not starting boiled over. I think what @Mascot means when he says no one is bigger than the club, is that no matter how good you are, you are not entitled to start, and your place is not guaranteed even if you mo salah.

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Hmmm. Mo Salah is having a massive strop on the touchline after being made to wait 70mins to get on the pitch. What on Earth could have upset him? I suppose we’ll never know


More conjecture again you have no idea whats said but you are putting blame on Mo its wrong.

Fuck! The last few weeks have been shit :cry:


That’s not true. The players knew hours before we did.

you can say that again

You are doing it yourself trying to pin blame on Mo for something you believe hes frustrated about with no evidence for this.

But you don’t know why.

That’s fine mate. I think it patently obvious what he was pissed off about, but you are entitled to your opinion.

Just don’t accuse me of having a fucking agenda, when I spend far too much of my time sticking up for Mo against lads who think four ropey games means he’s ready for the glue factory.

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It’s not unreasonable conjecture.

If you want facts, you have a storied and senior player kicking off on his manager in public, on the touchline, to the point that other players usher him away to calm it down.

It’s a shitshow from Mo.

Forgivable, if he allows a line to be drawn under it. At that point we move on.

But if his subsequent comment is true - if I speak there will be fire - then it’s shit on top of shit, and I expect better from him.


we gonna be here all night on this one… Whatever was said (doubt klopp insulted him or called him a cunt), he had no right to react the way he did. We said the same thing when mane had his little angry moment as well

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Unless you could read Mo thoughts through the TV you have no idea what hes thinking.