Post match: West Ham v Liverpool (27/4/24 12.30pm)

damn… we really need him

Footy is nothing without Bobby dousing the fire


Club should demand the audio from the Taylor incident. He blatantly told Areola to go down to receive treatment to cover his monumental fuck up. Did not want us to score in that moment that much is clear.


Sadly I’m in beach mood and he wouldn’t have stopped the dodgy defending on their goal.

Today was a game with a bit more professionalism is won.

It’s not because Jota isn’t there. I am a bit gutted Danns wasn’t considered


Just watched a video of Anthony Taylor telling Areola he’s injured and gesturing to the West Ham physio to come on.
Clear as day corruption. I am looking forward to the club calling it out, just hope the likes of Forest shut the fuck up and don’t dilute the national outrage that will undoubtably result from this.


Alexis made some good runs into the box. Shame he couldn’t get good contact with his head on the ball right in front of goal. Eother side of Areola and it’s a certain goal.

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The ref tried to insist on an advantage despite the goalie staying down and pretty clearly not wanting to play on. Areola should have thrown it out if he wanted to force the issue but when he didn’t taylor blew the whistle to protect himself from the consequences of his own prior dumb decision as much as he was protecting the goalie

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I’m in Glasgow for the weekend and didn’t see the game today. Just heard about the bust up between Klopp and Salah. What was that about?
Salah should keep his mouth shut, the way he’s been playing lately.

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Can of worms opened


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Here’s the clip -

Make of it what you will

Did Taylor indicate a foul? If Taylor was playing an advantage did he make the correct gesture for this? Did you see the goalie ‘staying down’? What was he protecting the goalie from?

You’re trying to gaslight people in much the same way Howard Webb does.


It was terrible refereeing from start to finish. He should not be protecting players from they mistakes they make. But he was protecting himself after belatedly realizing it was stupid to force them to play on with the goalie pretty obviously being slow to get up

That doesn’t look good. Whatever Salah’s problem is, he should save it for the dressing room.

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Are you sure about this?

I don’t think Taylor indicated a foul or that he was playing advantage.

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You’re gaslighting people fella.

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what brings you up to paradise? did you watch the game at record factory with glasgow reds?

Visiting friends, but staying in the city centre. I didn’t watch the game.

oh yeah, you said. doy. :face_with_head_bandage:

Playing advantage or not,Areola still threw the ball in front of him,meaning the ball was back in play.

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we need to figure our shit out quick, otherwise, spurs are going to fuck us up next sunday at home