Rescheduled to suit the transgressors: Pre Match PL. Man Utd vs Liverpool. Old Trafford. Thurs 13th May. 20.15hrs

Only it wasn’t anything like The Capitol.

The Capitol was a coordinated attack by neo-nazis with the support of white nationalists and QAnon nuts to disrupt, impede and ultimately undermine the democratic process in order to attempt to enforce the rule of their God-King President and five people died as a result.

This was a protest against corporate greed.


Yeah but Old Trafford isn’t Capitol Hill is it? As I said protest all you want, don’t hurt those who are innocent in all this.


I haven’t a clue, at a guess, maybe something to do with pre-match conditioning or COVID procedures?

Today’s demonstration was a coordinated attack by Neanderthal’s, what’s the difference??
I will agree it doesn’t compare to what happened in Washington.


If the only people getting hurt were sky and the glazers then I’d back that, I don’t feel I can otherwise but I understand it. Respect those a lot more who walked in 2005.

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I honestly dont like this comparison. State assemblies and democratic exchange of power is on another level of importance than football. Besides, militarisation of the Capital storming and the fact people even got killed is lightyears different from sabotaging a mere sports event…


I wasn’t referring to anyone in particular to be honest, I’m not even sure I’d seen your post!

I believe it’s a thing we do before matches, where the whole team stays together at a hotel the night before the match. I remember a big fuss was being made about it that our teams for the League Cup (and I think FA Cup) last season with the kids still had that as a feature, to cement the fact that they were making professional debuts for the club, and that it wasn’t just a case of throwing the match away. They wanted to ensure that the kids felt very much like part of the first-team setup I think.

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Neville appears to be setting himself up as some sort of ‘fans hero’. I think he’s a bit jealous of all the adulation Saint Marcus is getting.


They should most definitely forfeit this match. We haven’t done anything wrong, and as far as I’m concerned, we stand to lose the most.


Getting a bit sick of Neville being some self appointed “voice of the fans”.

He despises everything about our club so don’t be telling us how to act or what we should be doing with regards to our owners. Don’t be pretending these were peaceful protests. Somehow the chucking of bottles, flairs and camera gear is being joked about rather than condemned.

He’s had a platform to talk about the Glazers from the day they took over and he was still a player. And then again from the day he started at Sky. All of a sudden there’s a fan movement and he’s jumped on board.

He’s no different from the “populism” political types. He doesn’t really care. He’s a multi-millionaire as a result of his beloved club being one of the first to truly turn a club into a commercial business. He runs his own club with the financial backing of a foreign billionaire and pays wages beyond the capability of most clubs in the league.

He isn’t fucking sincere or a voice of the fans. He’s opportunistic and is using the rising unrest amongst fans to boost his profile because the timing now suits him. I’m not falling for it and I’m not having him speak for me. If those scenes were at any other ground he’d be condemning them and if they were at one ground in particular he’d be calling for punishments to be dished out. He’s a chancer and a twat.

Oh and there is absolutely no justification for us not being awarded the game. You can’t just postpone a fixture because one club has failed to provide a safe environment for the game to go ahead. This was a protest they knew was coming and they’ve failed to prepare for it. Their ground, their fans, their responsibility. Irrespective of the validity of their cause, we can’t have fans preventing games from going ahead with impunity for all involved.


Right on!! :+1:

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And a bloody, bloody thief!



I think protest is right, it’s where it crosses the line, never sure where I totally stand though if it was Boris I’d probably show more sympathy with the fans :rofl:


I think Marcus deserves the credit to be fair, Neville doesn’t.

Plenty of Man Utd players and former managers could have been outspoken at the Glazers, Ferguson was untouchable to be honest and yet he didn’t, he continued to back them once he retired.

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Fuck Manchester United and their fans


Team travelled back home.


Our season is effectively over so this is a minor inconvenience in the great scheme of things. I don’t agree with any violence but if this fires a shot across the bows of owners to remind them that ultimately it is the fans, and especially the local ones, who matter and should be consulted then that is a good thing.


Good, seems Jurgen May have put his foot down on that.