Rescheduled to suit the transgressors: Pre Match PL. Man Utd vs Liverpool. Old Trafford. Thurs 13th May. 20.15hrs

Ole can fuck off. WTF is he complaining about? They are easily second in the league and he can rest his first team until they play in the EL Final.


We shouldn’t get too hypocritical. Fixture congestion is a problem and needs tackling. It would help if there was greater honesty but then we wouldn’t expect that from Manure now would we?

Yep… Matey…but that’s what your manc supporters have caused…OGS…go and tell em…its their fault this has happened.


Didn’t he mostly play a first 11 last night…

They were 5-2 up

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You just know these cunts are going to play a weakened team against Leicester, probably throw the game to make our chances of European qualification harder and then bring the big boys out against us.

Fucking minging bastards


Looking at their 4 games in 8 days starting last night, and not taking opposition into account, normally you’d expect a strong team last night (and it was) then rest some at the weekend and then go strong in the next one (v Leicester).
At this stage of the season, given they are nailed-on for top 4 and have a European final to think about, it would make no sense to play any of their important players 3 times in 7 days. That’s how muscle injuries are caused.
If they go strong against Villa on Sunday then it’s pretty obvious they are looking to stitch us up and we need to call the cunts out on it and demand the FA and PL take action against them. We simply cannot allow these manc twats to make fools of us.

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Playing three games in a short space of time, with an eye on the Europa final, and being comfortable in second, they can do as you say.

I have no problem with it. We play whoever is on the pitch. If it means they play kids in the Leicester game, and then a full eleven against us, then that’s fine for me.

They can easily lose both games, and still pickup a muscle injury, and also get spanked in the Europa final.

Then they’ll be the ones looking like fools.


If Carlsberg did end of seasons…

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To tell the truth, with the way we are going, we would probably get spanked by a United second string team at the moment and I don’t even want to think about the humiliation that would bring.

If anyone thinks we can lock points in if United play a strong side against Leicester (since they’ll then need to play weakened against us), then they probably need to take a look at our form. Nothing is easy right now.

This game has been moved to a time when it really has no consequences for them, after last night they more or less have 2nd in the bag and top 4 is a certainty. So fuck them, why should we be the ones to suffer because their cunt fans rioted and had the original game called off?
If they do prioritise out game, and I suspect they will, them any trouble outside the ground whatsoever then we should turn the bus round and go home. Anything thrown at the coach, any delays because they’re kicking off, just say we don’t feel safe and turn back. Make the gutless authorities take some action.


They won’t though.
Had their chance last week and bottled it like a ref in Old Trafford playing extra minutes lovingly called " Fergie time".


EXACTLY what I’d want us to do in their shoes.


So making our opponents play 4 games in 8 days is actually yet more evidence of conspiring against us…:thinking:


Where’s the suggestions of a conspiracy against us?

Doesn’t the title imply that then? Plus some of the posts definitely do…

Maybe it’s just me being paranoid. Who would have thought it… paranoia on a Liverpool football forum. Whatever next…

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Wouldn’t your first time being paranoid about people suspecting conspiracies against Liverpool…

Ye me too in fairness

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It’s a shit thing to do but football’s only slightly more civilised than war.

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Will make it all the more satisfying when we beat them

Now that’s what I’m talking about.

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