Rescheduled to suit the transgressors: Pre Match PL. Man Utd vs Liverpool. Old Trafford. Thurs 13th May. 20.15hrs

Really disappointing. The blows just keep coming…

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United are probably on a high and feeling really confident after last night’s game … perfect time to cut them to pieces. 4-0 to us.

Give the guy his due, If I’d have been out for as long as him, I’d look like I do now :slight_smile:

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I’m going to be bold and say if we win this one we will qualify for champions league next year.

Anything other than a win and it’s over.

If we lucky we might get a point.

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This game last season the MM’s would have demolished the mancs…but this season… well I’m hoping for a win, anyhow, anyway…we need to win all our remaining games again anyhow, anyway…let’s just get this season over and done with…and start the rebuild and let th MM’s return as soon as possible…(and cmon Woy…go for the jugular)

Wasn’t it a score draw?

Sorry didn’t explain very well… every game, especially the manc game, we were waiting for the MM’s to run the game, even if it was a draw, you knew the manc’s had been thru’ the ringer… Just lately… we’ve been having on by our finger tips…you know tomorrow that (if he plays) gnasher will ruin our defence with pen claims…last season we’d make wm fight, this we give in easy…

Ah happier times.

  1. Fans
  2. We open the scoring from a set piece
  3. We still missed loads of good chances, yet…
  4. We didn’t conceed and lose our heads (o to have a solid defense)
  5. We play at pace and with intensity
  6. Utd still scumbags surrounding the ref
  7. VAR tries to shaft us and we still win 2-0
  8. The Alli slide…

Basically to sum up everything missing this season in 1min30seconds.


We haven’t turned up at Old Toilet for donkeys years MM’s or not. The only player I remember turning up at OT was TAA and due to the lack of mentality from the others looking completely out of place.

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Need to compete from the start. Not this faffing about slowing the game down before it has even picked up any pace. Treat it like a cup game, Oh ! hang on we are poor in cups because we do not want to compete from the first whistle . Ah well guess I will just cross my fingers and hope that things work out right in the end.


I just want my team back that fights for every ball, defends like a solid wall and attack like a stealth jet…oh for the good old days…


I hate that the ole rival clubs are “partnering” to solve their financial challenges…

This doesn’t feel right and it’s affecting everything

I’m always looking forward watching Liverpool-United in my local full of mans and other Liverpool haters.

Just don’t see Liverpool getting the 3 points.

I want Millie starting. Need a captain on this pitch rather than that invisibility act in midfield. I know I’m harsh but I’ve no time for a lad who’s made his bed with a different team during the season. Millie, Thiago and someone else who’s fit in midfield. Curtis? Ox? Don’t care really…


Probably the most meaningless united v lpool game in a while.
The result really doesn’t matter.
the players look and feel like us fans. We jut want the season to end so we can reboot.
Footballs over for me now until next season.
Unlike the players I can shut down and start my rebooting a month early.




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:+1::point_up_2: Wot e sed. :wink: Yizzerall a bunch of lazy backstuds an yer need ter start earning yer wages. Ah wish ad ave brought me boots, ad show this shower’a shite ow ter play footy. Geriterdem yer buggers. Show’em oo’s boss, Fuggen smash’em.

And don’t play such a high back line.

COYR YNWA :wink::nerd_face:


I really don’t know what to think. So many games lately I have expected us to win and we’ve been crap and either lost or drew.

Well, this one I genuinely expect us to lose.

Here’s hoping I am a genius at reverse psychology and we smash them!


Last few seasons we were expected to smash United. People said 4-0 etc and by form technically we should have…but of course we never did. Premier League derbies don’t work like that. I hope this is true come 4:30pm. We show up and even get a draw like they used to always do when we were clear favourites and even back 10 or so years ago when we were shite and still picked it up for the big game.

To be honest. I’ll take a draw. Season is over and has been a fat fail for all involved. Let’s keep the little pride we have left this season and not lose to these cunts.