Romeo Lavia (DM/CM) Southampton

I love my pets, I just hate everybody else’s.

Could be taken as pet hates …how do you feel about your neighbours and their dogs again?:grimacing:

Ugh ignore me …just read it properly :joy:

Utterly despise every dog within hearing range.

You should hear my Dog bark :exploding_head:

This thread has gone to the dogs.

They all do, eventually

The bottom part of tweet

Read 67 replies ?:grimacing:

If that’s true Chelsea screwed us into paying £9 million extra as opposed to £35 million more for Moises …is that a win still for us ?^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet

So weve lost moses and lavia? Whos left to buy thats good??

Awkward The Simpsons GIF

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Tom Davies, on a free!!

No, he’s crap.

We have lost Lavia because we never agreed a deal.

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Good luck mate, hope you like sitting on the MF bench.

I do hope we have some idea up our sleeves.

Without getting on the clubs back too much (trying hard here to not go overboard) but we’d be made to look like right cunts if both Lavia and Caicedo end up at Chelsea…would serve us right for all that time wasted fucking around.

Queue all the fans now coming out with “oh but we never really wanted them in the first place”, did Jorg send the kids from the Kop Kids show to do his negotiating or something?

Did I miss and official announcement? Or is he going to Chelsea as per a twitter agreement.

per twitter…