Romeo Lavia (DM/CM) Southampton

I thought it’s his contract that’s over 8 years.

As for John W Henry he was over for the Bournemouth game which was the second week last season and was earlier so effectively he is over the same time as last season.

It is vital we get a deal done on a player who can come in straight away. Money seems to be available so see what happens.

Also Chelsea have about 3 or 4 positions still fill, Lavia doesn’t make a tonne of sense when your keeper is back up.

no idea why Bohley just didnt buy Brighton. He has given them over £300m - probably cost less to buy the club

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Yup. Add wages to it. His antics. His resale value. It’s too too too too much. Over prized by a clean 65 million pound in an inflated market. In an ideal market it’s 80 million pounds!!! We can do much much better. Call the scouts guys!! Chelsea saved us here.

Common Sense isn’t that common!! Same would have applied to us has we bought him!!

Is Chelsea signing Lavia news real? I don’t see Fabrizio or Ornstein tweet about this.

weve known since the bid was accepeted that Moses wasnt coming here and we dont see value in Lavia .
Just got to hope that since LFC knew they werent getting these 2 they have sorted out other targets and not just sat around hoping players and selling clubs would change their minds.
FSG have shown the money is there for the right player.

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We should start hunting release clauses. Say 40 million for Inacio to start with. Andres 20 million deal. May be some midfielders in European market whom Schmadke might have scoured for.

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Evening, I respond without knowing the history of your dialect with @RER. I can not question the fact we have not signed anyone for the last 6 weeks or wasted 2 weeks on a player with 3 bids that got no where.
I will not exonerate the club of making mistakes, all clubs do. However, I do feel you have been a bit dramatic in your post.
It seems to me that we didn’t entertain the idea of signing Caicedo previously, because we were given no indication that he wanted to join. His representatives, worried about Chelsea not meeting Brightons valuation, encouraged us to bid for him, in order to force Chelsea’s hand. They didn’t expect us to out bid them. Caicedo, has made a decision in that he only wants to join Chelsea and he is entitled to that. I really can not see why you are trying to attack the club on this matter. They were willing to break the British transfer fee, they do not just bid £111m on a player if there had been no previous interest/research.

So, your point about putting in 3 bids for a player, that went nowhere. Firstly, How do you know it is going nowhere? I take it you feel we should just accept their initial valuation and do not attempt to try and negotiate?

So to conclude.
As a club have we been a bit mislead? Most likely, but we have trusted the word of Caicedos agents in a gentlemanly manner.
Have we royally messed up…? No, Caicedo decided not to join us. Sh*t happens, we move on :+1:t2:.


Liverpool are expected to match Chelsea’s offer of £55m for Southampton’s 19-year-old Belgium midfielder Romeo Lavia. (Talksport)

I’m not going step away from my previous comment I still don’t think he is the right guy right now then again no one else we’ve been linked with is eithier.

Not attacking the club, just pissed off with their method of going about this…unexpectedly bidding for a player (with a ridiculous valuation might I add) when he was Chelsea’s target long before ours…so really it just looks like we did that for a dick measuring contest. This BS would’ve never happened under Ward or Edwards.

Yep, no problem with that…that was clear before we bidded but nevertheless we still stuck about and waited on Chelsea…why? Why should our business be revolved on waiting for those dick heads? Again, you try to put the pieces together and it’s a shambles, goes back to lack of pre-planning…never would’ve happened under Ward or Edwards.

Well it’s not going nowhere, it went nowhere. Hence the bid for Caicedo, does that not tell you we were prepared to walk away from the Lavia deal if Caicedo agreed to the move?

Never wanted us to sign Lavia for £50m in the first place, said it many times. Our “attempts” thus far at “negotiating” have been pitiful. You don’t have 3 bids instantly rejected if you’ve been successful in negotiating.

How does one go about justifying our actions the last 3 weeks if we end up losing out on both players (who we clearly wanted). Can only be seen as an embarrassing failure, no?

Not terribly fussed about Caicedo if he didn’t want to come here, what is the point?
Lavia ,on the other hand apparently did, but we obviously were balking at the 50m price tag now we have rumours around that we will pay 55m for him,frankly my dog could have done a better deal than that.
Surely it is time to walk away from that altogether and their must be someone, somewhere who we can get to help bring Bajetic.
I’ll never understand why we suddenly decide to spunk 111m on a player who clearly didn’t want to be here and was probably being wined and dined, and whatever else, in London while all this shit was going down.

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Evidently false information was pushed to us or the agent played us.

I don’t think the club would bid a British Transfer fee record.

Martín Zubimendi 60 (53) million euro release clause

agent played us

Looks like we will be touted for every DM in Europe. The Touchmeni guy might make a comeback. Valderverde.

not if we can get other great players at better value

is valderverde a DM?

I don’t care about Caicedo, but lost Lavia is hurt :man_facepalming:

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Get your CV’s in, I’m sure they’re desperate to hear from you all :roll_eyes:

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