Romeo Lavia (DM/CM) Southampton

Just go after this guy now! He is the player we need.
He is the player our scouts should have found. Selecting Caicedo and Lavia is what United scouts do and we are doing that now.


I think we can all agree the star of the window has been this bloke…


Why are we going in again for someone who now, if true but who knows, wants chelsea - and i dont blame him - we fucked about with this lads head and jumped to another target - who also wanted chelsea - and have now come back in for him.

Our transfer strategy is so fucked up this summer. So unlike us. If this is what its like when Klopp has more of a say we need to change it.


The multi millionaire professional footballers that fans hero worship and adore, do their very best to avoid paying tax by becoming PLC’s (Public Limited Companies) . It’s us poor sods on PAYE who get nailed to the wall by HMRC.

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But it’s not Chelsea’s fault Caicedo picked them over us. (Let’s not forget they registered their interest and made a move for the player long before we did)

Also not Chelsea’s fault we couldn’t negotiate a deal in the 2 weeks where we mucked around with Southampton.

Only have ourselves to blame if we’re now having to spend £60m on this kid.


A lot of CFC fans saying they dont believe they were ever in for him and he will end up here.

Carlos Baleba is what we need. We might go after him next season for 115 million. Sign him for 15 million first!! Brighton has done the scouting for us. Don’t let this opportunity pass.


So now he is saying we might get him again.


Knowing the way we are going about it these last few weeks we might yet still.

Why are we going for him?

Because Chelsea just spent a world record fee on a bloke who plays the same position as him.

Because maybe we know he doesn’t just want Chelsea.

Because we’ve been trying to sign him for the last three weeks and everyone, including yourself on many occasions, have said just pay what Southampton want.

Because whilst we explored another deal so to did Chelsea. And they had a second deal lined up for another player in his position and then pulled out and left him hanging.

Two out of three deals this summer have been exemplary business. Hardly fucked up. Clearly this is being complicated by Chelsea playing with monopoly money.

After the last few days people still haven’t learned not to take everything journos say at face value. Someone is giving them the info they are getting. Likely someone with a motive to steer the message one way or another.


This is what we get with FSG being absolutely clueless in HR by hiring an equally clueless Sporting Director…

You can be sure that there are MFs out there ready made to go into our team who cost much less than Lavia and will do as good a job.Teams like Brighton,Southampton ,Palace etc are going to buy these players fairly cheaply.We have got very good players in already,with the right scouting we should be able to take chances on these types of players at prices as low as 10-20mp.

I sincerely hope we do. Just hit Brighton there by signing him. Pity we missed on Ugarte!!

Chelsea have done the same too mind. Not that that makes it okay.

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Exactly mate. We need to be Street smart and we look stupid these days.

Star Trek Applause GIF

If we’re bringing in Lavia I’d also consider Veratti if he was cheap.

I feel we need someone who can start now. Lavia could also be flexible.

Spanish guy also ticks the boxes and I’m sold on him after a read up or 7 this weekend.

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Wouldn’t his wage be like huge?

Like the Mac and Dom signings ?..