Romeo Lavia (DM/CM) Southampton

We do. Depending on your definition of of “senior” players, of our last 4 purchases 3 were from foreign leagues, 5 from our last 6, and 7 from our last 9.

Which is not the same thing as saying all have the same risk. Regardless though, we very clearly dont have a myopic focus on the PL when targeting players given the players we have actually bought. What we know of who were are interested in is a snap shot of what english based reporters are getting fed. It is unlikely to be the totality of what we’re looking at


And do you think Liverpool haven’t done analysis on him? They haven’t considered him?

Because even me sat at home can tell you him and Caicedo/Lavia aren’t the same types of players. In fact, he’s quite often compared to Alonso or Busquests and he’s more akin to a Thiago than anyone else in our squad. What we seem to be after is someone more dynamic rather than a deep lying passer type.

Just because they’re listed as a defensive midfielders doesn’t mean they’re all the same type of player. Perhaps that’s why they aren’t looking at some of the names people are plucking out the air.


There was one called Diego Maradonna. He didn’t do to bad.

My point is about right here and now in our pursuit of a DM. We seem to be departing from our broader approach to get into a more PL centric approach.

There are multiple options across the globe…

Such as???

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Really? I thought it’s just £220m :blush:

Another aspect I think we should look at instead of thinking it’s all about money , is the individuals in question.

Henderson was excited by the project of Saudi Arabian football.

Perhaps caicedo is excited about trying to get Chelsea European football? :grimacing:



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You forgot the agent’s money and multiple bungs to different authorities.

And there are multiple players of that sort. I just don’t understand why we seem stuck in the PL…
It is taking risk averse thinking to absurd lengths and getting into bidding wars…

And btw, that’s not quite a correct description of Zubimendi, he’s quite dynamic, but there may be other factors that the club is considering…

Not sure risk averse is the wording I would use when we talk about 50/100m for 18/21 yr olds


It was banter mate :blush:


Hopefully that DOF is sacked straight after.

10m extra even after they only wanted 10m. Might be one of the worst bargaining in the game

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We haven’t been involved in bidding wars - it’s one thing FSG try to avoid. We made an offer that Brighton were happy to accept. Chelsea then matched it. We didn’t look to increase our offer to the player to match or better that of Chelsea.

It’s because we aren’t.

Is a British transfer record bid really being risk averse? Also, you can’t help but get into bidding wars sometimes if another club also wants the player. Not everything is in our control.

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Can you provide some evidence on how we’re stuck on premier league proven players? For example how many of our last signings have from english clubs, and how our approach has changed from previous years?


We don’t know a £60m bid has been made. If it has, we don’t know it’s structure or even if Jorg was involved.

Not talking about the Caicedo bid. I’m talking about looking further afield at other players in this particular instance

I’d presume Jorg is involved? Who else is responsible for the negotiations?

More posts than Bellingham. He must be signing for Madrid. How many posts did Quaresma have.