Romeo Lavia (DM/CM) Southampton

doubt it will be Jorg - we have options on who to sign. I think we will increase our offer for Lavia - but need Southampton to be willing to lower their demands, if they haven’t already.

Well that will be Jorge then, Southampton sell now, they want roughly £40 million after city’s cut for themselves, otherwise they wait for city next year and pending what is actually written into the clause ( presuming there is a guarantee that city will buy him back) they get £40 mill…sorry but Southampton have all the cards and set all the demands imo…

hopefully we have an answer in the next 24 hrs

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No where is it mentioned City buy him back next year is guaranteed. If that was the case the more logical sense would have been for them to loan him for a season not sell him.


Big gamble that City will want him in a year…Hard to argue value will go up over 40 playing in Championship for a year. Southampton playing a bit of hardball with us and Spurs, value will come down as window closes I think. They have no incentive to sell now as opposed to later in window.

I expect theres zero chsnce of a garuntee to buy back. It’ll be a fixed price buy back option at best for City. Saints could turn the offers down, lavia stay there (and possibly be unhappy) and then City dont make an offer next year.

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I’ve never heard of such a clause where the selling club is guaranteed to buy back, I’m almost certain it’s merely that they have the option of doing so.

It’s a risk for Southampton, they could be left with a player who doesn’t want to play for them or City and no-one else wants him if his form goes downhill in the Championship.


Agreed , but we all know city are facing 115 charges and this was probably put in place in advance to show that they are compliant with ffp (I know it’s comical, but city are at least trying to come up with elaborate ways to cook the books imo).

The charges are historical nothing they are doing now will impact that.

Lol I think City’s strategy is a cross between “deny everything, Baldrick” and burning the whole system to the ground, rather than compliance…

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Think we’re hoping Lavia and his reps speak to Southampton and let them know he wants to leave and £42m is a fair price for someone who has played fuck all top flight games.

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Would like to see Lavia kick up a fuss like Virg did.

Don’t see these budging much more.

Are you under the impression Southampton were not in the Premier League last season?

As in hardly any :+1:t4:

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Fuck all as in basically a full season?

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This is the same “fuck all” I used last night in responding to my missus accusatory question about how much of the now finished chocolate cake i’d eaten


Watford were confident about getting £40m for Sarr too. Southampton doesn’t hold all the cards. They will have to pay Lavia PL wages with Championship revenue. They have signed a player supposedly as his replacement.


All I know is that I’d love to enter a competitive negotiation against half the posters on this thread who just want to give away money.

We have more options than they do. We will be patient and negotiate from a position of strength.


Jorg ain’t blinking. He is napping and will only wake up when Wilcox starts yelling You win, happy.

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I do hope we never deal with them again.

Not that they have every right to be like this which they do, they just get on my tits.