Ryan Gravenberch (CM) From Bayern Munich

Aye I miss Arry…SSN went to die with him.

Jim White, Arry and Wingie. That was the ultimate finale.

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Someone should just appoint him for the day.

The guy would do it.

Arry on the window waiting for 1-2 more to happen, big Jim in the studio and dildos flying around.


Don’t usually find this guy funny but this got me good.

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Steven Caulker is now on Sky, f*ck me.


Is he signing for us again?

I agree Sky has become a televised version of the newspaper gossip pages how anyone can still believe they have any credibility is baffling.

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They even now have, which I didn’t know about until a few weeks ago, a late night show where they have these 2 numbskulls from the Mirror or the Times or somewhere, wasting everyone’s time that’s stupid enough to stick around and watch like they have some sort of exclusive news to break. Only people I feel sorry for are the younger generation, they really missed out on the good times…now we’re left with crappy talk shows like SSN and Talkshite that supersedes one classic shows with knowledgeable people who actually knew what they were talking about.

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Dunno & don’t particularly care.

But for their sakes I hope they managed to get the deal over the line seeing as their window closed a few mins ago.

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Palhinha deal has fallen through

Does this affect Gravenberch?

Shouldnt do. They have 3 other CMs

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He’s done the medical. So no. Or atleast that’s what i would guess.

Fucking get the deal done quickly and announce it.

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Depends. Tuchel didnt want him but apparently the club like him. Could be overruled.

the “ITK’S”, said all three deals are connected


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Palinha had done his medical at Bayern…

but but but…he has done his medical…

Would be very shit if this deal falls apart at this late stage.

i’m going to sleep.

fuck this shit.