The all-new NFL Thread

Yes, been reading up a bit and it seems that DE’s were scarce in comparison to OT etc so the thinking was get them whilst the goings good and see what’s left later on in the OL bracket.
As for the pressure on Mahomes your interpretation is far from what I said/wrote but your right both DL’s and OL’s can always improve.
As for my comments about Colts needing to score well I think the QB’s that are coming in suit the head coach so that might improve. Eagles veteran and a carbon copy rookie (that lacks arm strength? to improve). :wink:.

I wish Bills well, good entertaining outfit!

Congrats to Carl Nassib who has just become the first openly gay player in the NFL.

Hopefully this will be a step towards normalising homosexuality in professional sport.

You will probably see quite a bit of Mac Jones…which is a good thing.

I want him as one of my late round running backs for fantasy this year so hopefully his profile hasn’t built too much from that performance!

I thought he did alright for them last year or is this a post Brady not as good at the greatest ever, so obviously must be shit syndrom?

Apparently he’s an anti-vaxxer and wasn’t going to be their first choice QB - Mac Jones will be - so the Pats decided they don’t need the headache.

I’ve seen the comment made by a few NFL commentators about this season… “You can be mediocre or unvaccinated. You can’t be both”.

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How do I pick a team to support?

I don’t know if this is a reliable way of picking a team but I’ve been to New York so maybe the Giants?

If I had to pick between the Giants or thé Jets I’d pick the Giants

I also have a fondness for the Falcons but that’s probably because I really like their stadium

The same way as for football or at least that’s what I did to an extent. I liked how Liverpool played so supported Liverpool.
I liked how Indianapolis Colts played so follow them. I haven’t a clue about Indianapolis nor Indiana most of what I pick up doesn’t appeal that much to me. Colts weren’t bad when i started but sank very low however I stuck with it and it was worth it.
The Franchise system makes things difficult, teams can move location which can get confusing. As in football it’s probably better to follow a franchise located in an affluent city than ones that are in hardship (then again the Steelers buck that trend some what). A more affluent base makes the possibility of having a good run of seasons more likely (in theory at least).

I’d say that’s a start if you liked NY, then as above watch some games before getting categoric. Jets have some history from what I recall, obviously they were arch rivals to the Colts so a no no for me but so are the Giants. lol

Good luck however if you like the game I don’t think for us ‘outsiders’ it’s that important probably the expectations take greater sway. If it’s for being behind a ‘winning’ team then perhaps Packers? or Seahawks? Then again for that there’s more experienced and knowledgeable posters on here than me.

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It is absolutely fascinating how quick a turn that took, with the debate of him vs Jones being one of the key pre-season debates. To go from possibly being the starter to out in the matter of days is bold even for Bill.

One of the interesting ideas I’ve heard is some of this, going back to their decision to draft him in the first place, is being driven by Saban. He and Bill are very close and so the idea is Saban has been in his ear telling him that Jones is the guy to lead his NFL offense. Bill bought it enough to prioritize him in the draft, and now he’s seen enough to be willing to turn over the offense to him.

Why does Newton being the back up mean he has to go…well, call it the Matip conundrum. You need your back up to be game ready at all times when you are starting a first year QB. A starter with unreliable availability because of covid is not as bad as it could be if you really like your new draft pick and willing to play him when Newton is out. However, if you start Jones then your back up needs to be available to play when you need him. If you cannot rely on Cam to do that then it makes no sense to keep him around. That’s my take on it all at least.


If you had to pick between the Jets and no one you would be forced to pick no one.

If you’ve an affinity to a place in the US then pick the team from or closest to there. Or if there’s a player you know or like, pick them.

If not, watch some highlights and just see who you’re drawn to. Highlights of all last season’s games are on YouTube.

Or pick the one with the uniform you like most.

I’m a Packers fan. Ended up that way because I used to watch the highlights on Channel 4 with my dad when I was little. He liked Brett Favre and so they became my team.

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I had a 3some with 2 girls from Boston many years ago, so would that be enough for me to support the patriots? :rofl: :rofl:

There is no excuse for supporting the Cheatriots.

Not even that one.

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That’s a pretty good reason.

Maybe I’ll support them :rofl:

Can I suggest the Buffalo Bills? I grew up just outside of Buffalo. They went to 4 super bowls in a row from 91-94. I was 9 - 12 years old for the run. Football was great. Then we had 25 years of putrid turgidity. They didn’t make the playoffs from 1999 to 2017 (the longest active playoff drought of any team in the top 4 professional leagues in North America at the time - that’s hockey, baseball, football, and basketball). They are in the same division as the Patriots and got beat down year after year (Tom Brady is 32-3 as a Patriot against the Bills in 19 seasons).

Ready to jump on the band wagon yet?!

But…we are finally good again! Tom Brady is old and gone, Josh Allen is firing fast balls all over the damn place, and the Bills are fun! Only took 25 years…but Allen looks like he’s for real and the team is going to be an offensive juggernaut. Allen at 25 is oldest quarterback in the division, and the AFC East should be a ton of fun. Tua Tag…something, Mac Jones, and Zach Wilson should all be fun. Odds are the Jets quarterback will slowly morph back into a pumpkin as he gets beat down behind a terrible Jets team, but there’s always optimism and hope before the fall. Bills fans know all about it.

Anyway…lots of room still on the bandwagon, all are welcome.


Nooo! not the Pats!!!

I’ve actually been to Buffalo - that’s by Niagra falls right?

Yup, I live about 10 minutes away from the falls

I don’t hate the Pats, I don’t even hate the Dolphins just intensely dislike them. But it’s that old AFC East once you pick one you can never give an inch to another. AFC over NFC always! :smiley: