The all-new NFL Thread

They’re in free fall at the moment. Nobody could have seen that one coming.


I’m hoping they keep this form up. :grinning:

I have a lot of respect for the Steelers I just prefer the Colts. Who is us? who cheated?

I just haven’t enough brain left to remember which team outside LFC people ‘follow’ ‘support’ and can not be bothered going back over previous posts.

The good old Pats?

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I’m going to get @Alright_Now to ban you. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Tom Brady’s father is actually our life insurance agent (absolutely lovely person, by the way). He wears one of those rings and much to the chagrin of my dear wife, I asked if I could touch the ring despite her pleading beforehand that I not make a fool out of myself and tarnish our family name.

Yet another great @Alright_Now accomplishment. No shame.

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His firm is still active. I’m not sure though how active he remains. I have not see him in a few years, but I know he loved what he did.

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Howling! Those four are great. I enjoy them more than the actual games.

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WTF has NBA got to do with NFL?


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Be nice. It’s Christmas. Tell us about your meal. Usually that helps your mood.

Not when the sister in law is cooking.

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Yo Cynical, Merry Christmas by the way. Ooooops!
Thought the clip was funny enough that you wouldn’t have minded it was put in yours…!


No worries, mate. You could always start an NBA thread- probably be busier than this one. :joy:

Enjoy the rest of your Christmas. :christmas_tree:


@cynicaloldgit since my daughter is quarantining post her flight home, we are ordering from here today. We will have our real meal next week after she has cleared her testing.

However, importantly, I have explained your sis-in-law predicament to my wife and much to my surprise, she has asked you to join us for some crab and fish maw:

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Do they deliver to Surrey?

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@cynicaloldgit ring, ring da Bears. Interesting and somewhat enjoyable not really.

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They’re playing the Jags, FFS.

The only team that would lose to Jacksonville is the Rams.

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Yes, but Fat Sam manages the Jags. So this is a baby step for mankind.

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