The all-new NFL Thread

Wait a second here. No one told me Dent and McMahon weren’t playing.


Stupid sport anyway

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Wait a second. Wims isn’t Willie Gault?

Fine effort. Something to take into the 2025 season.

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I’ll be sweating bullets all week leading up to Bills Ravens. Can’t wait, should be a great game. Probably biased, but I think that’s the game of the week looking at schedule.

Think I’ll be watching the game with my hands over my eyes while I hide behind the couch :grimacing: :crazy_face:

Saw a stat that the average AFC qb is 24 and NFC is 36. Crazy. Rams Vs. Pack could be fun if Goff isn’t terrible (right @cynicaloldgit?) Can Ram’s D slow down the probable MVP Rogers? Ram’s D is best of the bunch, so we’ll see how far it carries them.

Bucs vs. Saints is battle of the old QBs. I feel like both teams are held together by duct tape and glue at the moment, wheels could come off any minute for either one.

Chief’s should plow through Browns. Fun story while it lasted, as a previous long suffering Bills fan, I’m glad the Browns had a moment, but next week probably too much.


I want a little review so will start with my unqualified waffle.
Being a long standing Colts fan I was pleased with their performance. Both the defensive line and offensive lines were more than solid which gives something to build on. Just little things like missed tackles in defense and poor timing on offense allowed Bills through.
Talking of the Bills their lines were pretty solid too and they have a match winner in Allen. Colts put him under a lot of pressure but he found ways to to unlock situations definitely the difference between Colts and Bills on the day.
Titans are a good team so I can only say Ravens must be better.
Fuck knows what the Steelers came out to do absolute madness in the 1st quarter even worst than Rams offense. They just gave it away and made any analysis of Browns impossible (except to say Browns look fast and capable).
I was surprised by the Rams the seahawks are a very talented team with a number of skillful players who can pull stuff out of the bag. It became a defensive battle which suited the Rams as their defense was electric.
Sorry I have nothing to say about Washington or Buccs I’m just clueless.
I always considered the Bears as the fattest team in football but seeing them the other day made me realise they have changed. I thought Saints would win by a bigger margin but was hoping for a big upset that wasn’t to be.

Now the big boys come into play.
I can not see the Browns be offered the game by the Chiefs who if not infront at 1/2 time will surely make the difference tell in the 2nd half.
Bills Vs Ravens has to be the game to watch should be pretty even and anyones guess.
Surely a good defense isn’t good enough to get anything out of the Packers?
As for Saints Vs Buccs, I have no idea and can not say I care, As you might notice I’m not really up on NFC stuff I’m completely bias toward AFC certain divisions and certain teams.


Credit to the man, he turned it down.


Mad how some draft analysts have DeVonta Smith as their 3rd ranked WR in this draft. He’s not just the best receiver in the draft, he’s the best player. He won’t go at 1 but whoever gets him will be drafting a hell of a player.


It’s all gotta be his size. They’re probably worried about how he’ll deal with bigger ‘press’ corners in the NFL that get their hands on him early and stop him releasing from the line. Some of those catches were manufactured with pre-snap motion that probably wouldn’t work as well at next level.

Agreed though, seems foolish to have the best player in college ranked as the 3rd best prospect at his position.


I’ve seen size and speed as knocks against him but he looks plenty fast enough to me! All I ever see is him running away from CBs.

I think some people overrate the quality in the NFL. Most DBs are fucking awful, Smith will eat them alive.

I was intrigued to find out what this thread was about…so this is the American version of rugby but in fat suits and motor cycle helmets …Right?


Not at all it’s 1 hour of chess crammed in, oh no wait, spread over 5 hours. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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All the best, @cynicaloldgit and @jgw_geneseo. Get your rings before the Bears take the field next season.


Now that we are out, I hope that the Bills win it. I remember watching all four of those Super Bowl defeats back in the day; let’s hope they make it this year. :crossed_fingers:

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Nice to see the Bills pull it off for you, @jgw_geneseo. Rooting for them from here as well. Please make sure Thurman keeps his helmet within reach.


Lol that’s great. Torn on if I want Mahomes to play or not. Right now I’d like to beat the chiefs at their best… but I’d also like to win, so…

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Well that round was tense and exciting.
Saw the play where Mahones (chiefs) got himself bounded. Didn’t look like concussion to me more like shock. He got his back and neck twisted the neck was very much a ‘jack knife’ (coup du lappin). They say it’s a tweeked nerve however if i was on the medical staff I would be very upset if he played in the next 6 weeks, i’d look for more than that then I expect they did x-rays and scans (possible compound fracture or disc problem could be there).

One very dissappointing aspect of this round was the lack of running plays, Bills actual beat the record for fewest running plays in a playoff. Saints went bonkers trying to force things to happen (and were ahead when they started) they just made it soo easy to defend against by just throwing it all the time.

This round made me think: SHOT GUN:

Really looking forward to this weekend, two of the next generation of QB’s and two of the HoF veterans up against each other.

Hopefully Mahomes is able to play but looking at those pictures you’d think he really probably shouldn’t. That would give the Bills a giant boost and I imagine they’d be pretty confident if it’s Henne instead of Mahomes. Really like how Allen has battled through a lot of the criticisms in his first couple years to genuinely looking like a real franchise quarterback they can build around.

As a Packers fan, the Rodgers v Brady battle is an intriguing one. Brady has that look about him at the moment where he could just win them the Superbowl through the force of his will. Packers will need to disrupt him and force him out the pocket but that Bucs O-line is pretty good at giving him the time he needs.

Hoping Rodgers and the boys learned a lot from the beating they got from the Bucs earlier in the season and home field advantage gives them the edge to make it through. It would be a travesty if Rodgers didn’t get another shot at a ring before his time is done and the Packers look like a win now team.

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Rogers has been an assassin this year. Brady will have to play better than he has to beat him. I think the pack have to be favorites in nfc. All noise from kc is mahomes will play. As a bills fan, I fully expect him to. Should he? Probably not.

I think the funnest two possibilities are Brady vs Allen, can the bills finally slay the afc east killer? Brady had owned the bills for twenty years. The other fun one is Rogers vs Mahomes, the top two mvp candidates squared off and probably the best two teams.

Should be a fun Sunday!

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Looks like Mahomes is playing.

That is;
a) mad
b) bad news for Buffalo

The concussion protocols over there must be worse than in the PL.