The Anfield Noise - Users

yeah not sure what happened there…

must of kicked off somewhere and thats been deleted…

was an abrasive character, but hardly the crime of the century, hope he is OK.

I’m the captain now

More like Home Alone :blush:

We know who to blame

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Dutch, that was a serious accusation. I was really confused about your post and did some digging as no post had been flagged by you or anyone else (I looked at the last three months). I also looked for deleted posts.

I came across this, which it seems you are referring too

Which long and short seems like you simply didnt get the joke…one that had absolutely nothing to do with pedophilia (but somehow you took it that way). Instead it was simply a reference to a post in another thread where on balance you were acting a bit of a dick and wrote (now deleted post)

"I’m sorry you and your extreme leftwing look at things rub me the wrong way. I have put a lot of your mates on ignore but somehow I can tolerate you and your strange football visions.

See my insults as an complement to you"

Please correct me if I am wrong. But it simply seems a case if misunderstanding, and a bit of taking a piss (after you insulted another poster)


Cheers for the laughs over the years troops!

But its time to say goodbye


@admins please close/cancel my account.

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Oh heck

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Oh fuck no.

My posts can be irritating at times to quite a lot of people but that isn’t a reason to quit.

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Can’t be certain about this, but @anon59854308 leaving may have something to do with distasteful comments following his post in the Spursy thread - See No.2330
If this is the case, I fully support the actions of Bonus in moving away. I would do exactly the same if any interaction of my comments were treated in a similar fashion.
Maybe other stuff has gone on behind the scenes… Who knows

I know no one can change your mind, but just remember…we are all different people, with different outlook on lives, different ways of thinking. We offer up our thoughts, some people don’t agree some do, we will probably all never agree on some subjects, take a break…see how you feel in a few weeks…


I tend to stay out of the football threads now. Too much hate in there heaped on rival players and managers. I saw one comment aimed at a 19 year old recently and thought Jeez…


We all have our gripes about other players…we sometimes vent our gripes on here…but come face to face with these people/players would we really carry out our anger…doubt it…some comments need to taken with a pinch of salt…and/or laughed at…I suppose at sometime we should all take care in our comments…some people are more sensitive than others…

I find it quite odd that there is such a disconnect between life and forum life.

Life is important in almost all levels. Life on here is all about context and shooting the breeze with people with with a common interest - Liverpool football club. It is truly strange to me that people throw their toys out due to how amazing Lucas was or the implication of what it means for a man to have a man bag…

The grounding for me is LFC and the rest is interesting, informative and (relatively) community entrenched - good, bad, meh and everything in between.


Are you talking about Sweeting’s joke about the Maddison video?

Jfc, I hope it was about more than that. Seems overly sensitive, to me.

A poster, incidentally, who once tore me a new one for being disparaging about the quality of Scottish league football :joy:

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The departure posts are funny. Klopptimist’s is still number 1 for me!

I think this forum has gone down in quality a lot, I was never a constant poster but I used to visit a couple of times each week. If you Google Liverpool forums it says this one is the most up to date and welcoming forum, what a load of bollocks, I got told months ago not to bother coming back on here after criticising FSG. Getting rid of the likes might help as it’s obvious lots come on for likes and like to poke fun at others.

i would be grateful if my account could be deactivated.


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Yeah I miss the high quality posts like this one

Cue a load of likes, no wonder all the cream is leaving.