The Cycling Thread

Should be balls to the wall today. Second mountain top finish in three days and a rest day tomorrow.

Vingegaard must believe he can win the time trial. He looked stronger on that last climb but did not attack. When Tadej attacked, V covered him easily.

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More fan madness.


Video clip of crash - best I can find at the moment

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Short but interesting read, this, if only for the open discussion of moneyā€¦

This feeds into the crash yesterday, imo.

Without the crowds, would all the money that sustains the sport be there?

Would Trek, Giant and Specialized sponsor teams if thousands of people werenā€™t buying their (often horrendously overpriced) machines?

Moreover, millions of people tune in to cycling once a year for one race only and love the drama of a huge crashā€¦

It is a massive cliche, but being able to stand inches from the peleton is a HUGLEY attractive aspect of this sport. Given a grand tour would ride past millions of people over 21 stages, a crash here and there seems like bloody good odds, to meā€¦


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Seeing these wankers run up beside the riders or who close off the road in front of them cheering on a hill climb (that must be fucking disturbing for a rider trying to focus on the climb and cannot see the best path up), it makes me wish for more blue shirt guys:


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Itā€™s the flags that worry the fuck out of meā€¦


Thatā€™s not how to do it, pull them out the way and have a fat lad fall on top of them. Tripping them up just creates more obstruction.


Jonas has apparently put 50secs into Pog.

Hooley dooleyā€¦turn it on if you can.

It is fecking awesome.

Fark meā€¦

He is 1.05 faster at the 19km time-check!!!


92 secondsā€¦

Bloody Nora.

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Should be the decision

I cannot believe what I have just seen.

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Yeah, Pog looked off the pace but then you see the time splits and heā€™s head and shoulders above everyone else but somehow Jonas puts a monster 1:40 into him. Definitely showed heā€™s strongest here and Pog didnā€™t even bother with warmdown afterwards - he knows heā€™s beaten. Chapeau for an absolutely dominant ride by Jonas.

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Haha, apparently he understood he would have a good day.

And would someone please tell Michael Rasmussen itā€™s okay to eat now?

Holy shit, just watched highlights. Incredible!

Fucking bonkers.

Yeah and apparently itā€™s the queen stage tomorrow that Jonas had targeted to gain timeā€¦ Will be interesting if Pog and Yates want to try something crazy tomorrow but wouldnā€™t be surprised to see him wait until last 10 ks and try and regain 30-60 seconds there (whether he can or not after TT shellacking is a other question).

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UAE is the strongest team so must hammer down tomorrow.