The Rugby Union Thread

They’ve all got crap beards there.

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It’s the rules, it seems harsh but watch other teams under high balls, if they aren’t in the air challenging they wait for the catcher to come down. That’s what they should do Curry went in high on a player coming down for catching a high ball. it might seem harsh but it’s the law, very dangerous play.
Helped England as after they played a very disciplined tactically sound game and dominated!

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3 years before the tournament. Thankfully they’ve recognised the fuck up and fixed it for next time

Argentina were all shades of shite and England a bit less shite. ITV commentators hilariously overboard in their praise

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When aren’t they? It’s what the media do.

England are a decent side but going through a rebuilding process. Argentina are a decent side but shat the bed after going a man up.

Both will make the quarter finals. Neither will make the final.

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Been saying that for 3 years, despite more money and more players than any other country. Couldn’t get a try against the worst Argentina team in decades

Let’s not forget , England played with 14 men for 77 minutes. It was a great effort.

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Sorry for being an abuser.

I agree the English guy had his eyes closed and the Argentinian players was travelling towards him how is he supposed to avoid colliding with him it just spoiled the game and only managed to galvanise the England players into a top performance in concentration and skill

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GIF by Shalita Grant

One game. :joy:

They’re still going to make the quarter finals. They will then play Australia (probably) and have a half decent chance against them.

No matter what, the tournament winner will come from the top half of the draw.

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Surely the very definition of an appalling poor draw!

You don’t pop into Kingston a lot then?

You never know what happens if a team gets momentum and belief.

Liverpool 4 - Barcelona 0

With a few of our star players missing

As the liverpool supporters had predicted the French cannot organise a pissup in a brewery how no one got hurt in Marseille is minor miracle and they seem to give that treatment to British supporters and to add insult to injury they ran out of beer to rugby supporters that is the ultimate sin I hope they sort themselves out before the olympics they got two warnings now but the worse thing is the chief culprit Darmamin and his sidekick are still in charge!

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Couldn’t organise a piss-up at a rugby match…


French people don’t go to get blind drunk before rugby matches- they leave that for afterwards. It’s a totally different mindset.


going off track here but…

a few year back my girlfirend and I went to Paris for New Years Eve,
we were at the Eiffel Tower before midnight, and not a drunk person in sight apart for us 2,
midnight arrives, the Eiffel tower light show starts, people open small bottles on champagne
and say ‘Bonne Annee’ to each other, then leave to go home soon after

walking back to our hotel, we talk about how no-one was drunk (not like in Scotland) and how different and civilised it was,

then we spot a really drunk guy, he could barely walk,

he looks at me laughing at him, then gives me the thumbs up and says…

‘alright big man?’

he was fucking Scottish…

you can take the man out of Scotland, but you cant take the Scotland out of the man…


I love watching Faf de Klerk. He just appears to amble around and never breaks sweat but he always arrives where the action is. Like one of those annoying flies that keep coming back no matter how often you swat it away.

yeah, the best Scrum halfs seem to be like that and South Africa have produced a couple over the years. Its a great position to play but also extremely difficult, loved it.

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I played scrum half in my youth and it’s fascinating to watch the best players in the role. Rugby is a team game, but the number nine plays a pivotal role.