The Rugby Union Thread

Massive shame, perhaps its worth looking for the games on some kind of catch up thingy but I honestly believe it’s been one of the most fascinating 6 Nations Championships for some time.

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I’m kicking myself now. For mr the 6nations is the best international tournament in the world (my world of course) all those fantastic bun fights 'n all. This one started great (actually saw the 1st few games) I just got distracted by other silly stuff.
I’m sure there’s some good highlight videos I could peek at.


I thought some of the games were really remarkable in the sense that lots of tries were scored despite some incredible defending. Other than the way the game ended, the abiding memory of the Wales-France game was the heroic last third defending from both teams, which is not something you’d think would go with a game in which there were 6 tries scored.


Every game had those moments to be fair. Games seemed to swing from one team to the other, every team scoring and a huge amount of last ditch defending throughout.

Also worth noting that its been the hardest to referee I think with the most refereeing errors I can honestly remember. Every game had something, but it didn’t detract from the games at all. If anything it added to the tension.

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After that try against England, me and mates in whatsapp realized that despite being involved in the game for 30 years each, none of us could actually clearly articulate what the definition of a knock on was. Even in the aftermath of the game and the explanations, I’m still not entirely sure I know.


It was IMO. If Nigel Owens says it was, then I’m good with that. I thought it was at the time but I take your point on questioning the rules as the whole thing was being reviewed.

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Well done Scotland now France knows how Wales felt after losing the game at the end it was a very similar ending against the Scots


My favorite Rugby stadium!

A lot of chickens coming home to roost in Canadian rugby, lost the qualification series to Chile, so won’t be going to the World Cup - first time missing it.

US lost to Uruguay, so plays Chile for the last Americas spot, loser goes to the repechage.

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Gees, All Blacks just look too powerful. Their physicality is a step higher.

But they have a guy called Blackadder, so anything’s possible yet. I am now looking for Baldrick

First half not the greatest but more accomplished in the second. That said a good victory and a good margin at that. Lots of depth in this side when you count the players not even in the squad.

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Really powerful side by my eyes. Super aggressive and as accurate as always. Pounced on every error from what was a pretty disjointed effort by us.

not that it had any influence on the result I don’t think the ref did himself many favours. More than a few question marks over his performance from me. But it didn’t matter in the long run. New Zealand were far better and the score was a pretty fair reflection sadly.

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Tough loss for Wales, real trench warfare that, and a phenomenal kicking display for most of the points.

South Africa are a long way from elegant, but I really admire their sheer bloody-minded toughness.

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Good game to watch I felt, super physical and lots of tension. Too many penalties conceded by both sides, particularly in the first half. The scrum won for South Africa in the end. Simply too powerful in that department and we conceded penalties in kickable areas. Their line and drive was also very good.

They are a brutal, abrasive and effective side South Africa. Difficult to play against and a real test for anyone. Happy that we were able to put in a better display than last week.

Yes, it was a good spectacle.

Quite the contrast to the woeful performance Canada put in against Portugal. Down such a deep hole now I think it is unlikely that we make the World Cup in 2027. Teams in the Americas are getting better, Canada is going backwards.

Forgot to ask - so the fellow on the pitch was English then?

Sadly not. Such uncharacteristic behavior. Any normal Welsh pitch invader would have lined up outside Williams and gone over for the try

We’re just lulling the Poms into a false sense of security.

30 point half incoming.

(Hopefully from us)

Andy Farrell’s a better coach than Eddie Jones.

Here’s hoping Australia’s form continues for next week. Nice to see them so charitable.