The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 1)

I like him. Full of energy, technique, intelligence. Would be be a good fit for us. Finishing seems a bit dodgy, should score more with the positions he gets into (so again, a good for for us lol)

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It was a slightly cheeky question to a lad who seems to have a bit of a crush on him.

My main problem with Harvey Barnes is that he isnā€™t getting the ridiculously soft refereeing he seems to rely on if heā€™s playing for us.


Such as trying to run between two defenders, throwing himself down when they donā€™t get out of the way and almost ā€œwinningā€ a penalty?


Yeah, and Anthony Taylor arbitrarily extending the box by a yard to try his best for the lad.

Itā€™s nothing against Barnes, but Iā€™m very wary of bigging up players, especially English ones, on the basis they do well against us when the referees are giving them free kicks if we breathe near them.

On the same basis, letā€™s buy Johnny Evans cause apparently heā€™s allowed to push lads off the ball with his hands and launch counter attacks.


To be fair I did think Barnes was a threat all game but the diving was disgusting.

With regard to the penalty incident I thought he did everything youā€™d want from your striker but the VAR debacle was just an utter joke. It was clearly outside, so why take an age over it. Let me think.

Would I go after Barnes. No idea, thankfully itā€™s not my decision. Another Leicester player I was impressed with was the lad at the base of their midfield. Cant for the life of me remember his name now.

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Ndidi? He was really good, but more of an all out destroyer than I think weā€™d be interested in.

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If he did whilst playing for us it would have been a yellow card, no doubt much as Kabak was penalised for an innocuous push on diver-barnes.


Thatā€™s him. I thought he had a really good game to be fair. Also returning from injury I believe but most things from Leicester seemed to start with him at the weekend. How heā€™s been over the season etc. I couldnā€™t say but he did catch my eye on Saturday.

I think weā€™re in a slightly awkward position this Summer. Thereā€™s a strong argument for looking to refresh the midfield a little and perhaps look at the defensive side a little (depending on how Davies and Kabak go) but with the world wide shit storm going on thereā€™s going to be some massive comprises drawn somewhere along the line. Unless your a cheaty club.

It was a foul thoughā€¦ even if Barnes goes down Thiago fouls him, he canā€™t not go down for that in some way.

Not sure I agree. Two players were standing in front of him, Thiago closest, he couldnā€™t get through them so he throws himself forward on top of them and it happened to be Thiago he made the contact with. Thatā€™s my memory of it. Not sure how it was given as a foul to be honest.


Donā€™t be silly, our players are clearly at fault for not stepping aside like gentlemen, and allowing diver-barnes a free run at goal. Anyone would think football was a contact sport. :roll_eyes:


I like Barnes as a player, heā€™d fit in well here. Good with the ball, direct. Heā€™d cost a fortune though, so probably not on the cards anytime soon.

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Desperate times call for desperate measuresā€¦Just sayingā€¦

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Here is the diver-barnes incident slowed down so that we can admire and enjoy the shear elegance, the balletic poise of the vardyesque leg brush and splayed leg forward tumble with tendu.

Itā€™s just a shame that the match officials donā€™t have the technology to look at these incidents in a similar detail. :thinking:

(Nb. If ever there was a bald headed human louse who needed to have the stuffing kicked out of him and his remains jumped on by strong men in hobnailed boots, it is bluemoon-taylor. If ever I were to see a mob in the street setting on him, I shall offer to hold their coats and stand by and cheer.)


Yep Thiago literally does nothing except refuse to get out the way. Doesnā€™t kick towards him or the ball or anything. Heā€™s taken half a step forward a second earlier so a ref may not get it right in real time but in slow mo VAR should have overturned it as its Barnes throwing himself forward into the gap between the two and his trailing leg making the contact with Thiago.


After looking at that, itā€™s clearly a dive and not even a foul for me. Thiago doesnā€™t do anything wrong apart from stand his ground. Stupid question, but VAR looked at it long enough, why couldnā€™t they see it was a dive? Like I said, itā€™s a stupid question.


We need to forget about all this bollox about a decision was taken nothing can be done about it.
There needs to be an independent judging panel refreshed every thirteen games, formed from lets say five ex-players, recognised by governing bodies. Maybe from the lower divisions who know the score about these things, to dish out retrospective punishmentsā€¦ Without these cheats being held to account, the game will continue to deteriorate beyond any enjoyment factor at allā€¦!
These days you donā€™t need to be a good footballer, more like a good con artist with an air of dramatics for literally two minutes to fool the referee, the fans, the pundits and the game that pays them a good living.
The whole stench is becoming a tad too rancidā€¦!


Sorry but he moves his leg on that, itā€™s a foul.

Argue the offside because that looks god awful I agree but Thiago was at fault there, sorry.


Whatā€™s particularly impressive about this dive is that Barnes, throws himself into Thiagoā€™s leg, and then, in mid-air, flicks out the other leg to catch Trent. Say what you want, but thatā€™s incredible skill.

Iā€™ve being getting frustrated at Salah doing more or less the same thing. Kicking the ball past a player and then running into them. I find myself shouting ā€˜For fucks sake, Mo. Theyā€™re not giving you that. You should have figured this out by nowā€™.

I once did see Anthony Taylor being beaten up by six men. The missus said ā€˜are you going to helpā€™. I said ā€˜no, six is plentyā€™ (with apologies to Les Dawson)


To take a step, a yard away from the player. Who then moves forward to squeeze through a gap between two players that he canā€™t squeeze through without making contact with at least one of them.