The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 1)

The lad also flicks out both legs, starfish style, so that he is fairly sure he is going to catch one of Thiago or Trent as he dives through them.

I’d love refs to get a grip of this shit. The trend of players kicking the ball past opponents and flinging themselves at the defender to initiate contact.

There is nothing in football that says a player has to get out of the way.


The only reason i understand why Mo does it is because the amount of times he’s in the box during a season,gets numerous defenders/players pulling,poking,pushing and hacking at him,yet stays on his feet and gets nothing from the refs.

Don’t get me wrong,i hate seeing it but in his head and most people who see it happening on a regular basis would rather him go down to get a penalty,instead of constantly being penalised for playing fair,as far as i’m concerned he’s probably one of the only players i see doing it,who in some degree has a valid reason for getting a soft pen now and again.


One of the most ridiculous yellows I’ve ever seen.


What I want is consistency. That’s all.

If the referees think kicking the ball past a defender and then falling into his leg is foul, then fine.

What it can’t be is a foul when Harvey Barnes does it, but play on when Mo does.

Just like Johnny Evans getting away with a push on Sadio, but it’s a yellow card for Kabak when he does it to Barnes.

But I suppose we have to remember that the referee was Anthony ‘all my family are OT season ticket holders, but I support Altricham honest’ Taylor.


Totally agree with this. Just like you can’t disallow our goal against the blueshite but allow the first Leicester goal.


The Barnes incident. At first glance I didn’t think it was a foul. It looked like Barnes was trying to go through a gap that wasn’t there, stretched out his right foot to draw contact (hate that this basketball phrase has crept into football) and then he went over theatrically to make the most of it. That’s what it looked like at first glance.

When a foul against Thiago was called I was shocked. Referees need to watch what players are doing with their legs. Thiago takes a small half step. A natural movement. Barnes stretches his right leg fully out to make contact and go over. An unnatural movement.

When they looked at it to see if they could make a way for contact to be in the penalty area, it confirmed how rubbish the officials are. When they couldn’t get us on that, but then did subsequently award the goal as the cross shot came in, despite all the issues around it, it reinforced some sort of bias against LFC to me. The amount of points we are dropping to dodgy VAR decisions is ridiculous, as is the uneven refereeing we get in most games, when our players get wrestled to the ground, and no foul is given; but their players get breathed on, or throw themselves at us, and it’s a foul! It is wearisome, to say the least.

Yes, we need to improve. Yes we need to cut out some stupid errors. There are plenty of things on us, and we have to keep working.

But the bad luck with all the injuries in one position, and the ridiculous officiating, are things that are tough to overcome, though we must keep fighting and hopefully grab top four anyway.

I’m not fully sure where I stand on the whole thing, but if we can’t get reasonable officiating in the Prem, it makes me less inclined to cherish the league and stay within it. I think it is a $5Billion a year ‘product’ in terms of global TV rights, or something close to that. If and when the big boys leave to form a European Super League, it will become a $1Billion a year product. They already have the refs for the level of the Dog and Duck. And soon the whole enterprise will be dragged down to that level, while the better teams bugger off to form a new thing.


Harvey Barnes the player.

Would have been a good signing around the time he was starting to break through at Leicester. Right now? Not so sure. Good player. But elite? Hard to say. I think Mascot made a comparison to Stewart Downing. Looks great where he is, but move him up to Liverpool and he’s not all that.

The other thing is the money Barnes would likely cost. Unless he is winding his contract down, Leicester will want a king’s ransom, and why not? They are a monied Prem club - upper mid/lower top - and he is one of their better assets. So at that point, if we were to spend the sort of sum that would see Leicester do a deal, you would have to think there are better players out there for us.

So it’s a no for me Clive. Unless we get this sort early on, before their rise, or we pick them up as they wind down their contract. Apart from that, I don’t really see the value. Good player, yes. But elite? Far from proven.


It was quite refreshing tonight against Leipzig where not once did I think of moaning about refs decision nor VAR they just did their job not trying to influence the result like they do in the PL
Why we keep getting Taylor who is a very bad ref with monotonous regularity.


It was also refreshing to see a team actually try play football against us rather than park the bus the whole game waiting for a set piece or counter. Leipzig played some nice football, we were just better.


It is because foreign clubs like Leipzig are not familiar with our style, so most likely they will not play us the “right” way a.k.a park the bus.

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For elite players, Dortmund probably will lower Sancho price tag to £70m or even £50m.

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Loved the Les Dawson joke at the end made my night, loved Les

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Did Leicester and City Park the bus?

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Shit. Do they not even get PL games in Germany?


It’s more that in the European knock out formula you’ve got to at least try and win the “home” fixture. In the league you can draw your way past the difficult sides (maybe even the occasional win with a goal on the counter) and pick your points up against the other sides.

I disagree, the most important aspect of your home fixture is to stop the opposition scoring. Even if it means a dull turgid 0-0.


And if you go for that approach and get the nil nil you then need to attack in the away tie. You have to attack at some point anyway.

Jose, is that you?



Quite, another excuse for how we were good last night and not before, we’ve been shocking for months and it’s not just down to the refs and parking the bus, we’ve looked dogged tired and lazy at times, last night we didn’t and we got the result because we pressed them and put some energy on the pitch.