The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 1)

That is my take on watching the game we seemed a lot more energetic and brighter. It may be the constant stress of having to win every Premier league game is getting to the players, especially against the turgid park the bus teams, where it is difficult for them to express themselves.


Possibly, I do wonder if it was here is a fresh start, seems the players have recognised it was better.


It is a foul but he played for it. They either let him through or bring him down. Good forward play imo.

While I agree with you I thought we also looked good for the first half hour against Leicester. Big difference I think was that leicester took their chances or gifted them depending on your point of view. Leipzig were not that clinical.

I have wondered what our reaction would have been had the chance that Leipzig hit the post with had actually gone in.

There’s no rule that says a player has to get out of the way of the player on the ball running at him. Barnes is already on his way down before any contact with Thiago happens. No LFC player would get that awarded. Salah would probably get chased out of England.

Sorry but that’s a little naïve. By going for that gap he forces the defenders into a decision. get out of the way and let me through or bring me down.

its the same thing if you were clean through on goal with a defender chasing you. The correct move is to cut across the defender. The defender has a choice, stop or bring you down.

I repeat, there is no rule that says a player has to move out of the way. Referees should not be penalising for that. If Thiago sticks a leg out and Barnes goes over it its a foul. If Thiago kicks at the ball and hits the player it’s a foul. If he grabs or pushes the player it’s a foul. Standing still and the player throwing themselves onto you is not a foul in the rules. If referees are giving it its because they are shit not because it breaks the rules.


Barnes did everything right apart from going over a tad early. Going for the gap is exactly the right thing to do. Why? because he is either let through or brought down. Its good play. It doesn’t excuse the diving but it going for the gap is exactly the right thing to do.

I think in this instance, Noo_Noo, your interpretation of the law is incorrect.

Law 12, Fouls and Misconduct states:

All players have a right to their position on the field of play; being in the way of an opponent is not the same as moving into the way of an opponent.

So, Thiago & Trent were under no obligation to “get out of the way” as you suggest.

They would only have committed an offence if they had moved into the path of diver-barnes, and closed the gap as he went for it.

They did not do this, as is shown in my previous post:

The only offence I can see is that barnes dived, for which he should have received a yellow card.


Apologies if I’ve been misunderstood here but my post isn’t actually about rules of the game. More about game management and forcing a situation to your advantage. Gamesmanship if you like.

ignore the fact that he dived through the gap. If he’d have tried to go through one of three things happens.

  1. Thiago and TAA (I think it was) back off and let him through fearful of conceding the foul.
  2. They step into his path and concede a free kick / penalty for obstruction.
  3. they bring him down.

my point here is that by going for the gap Barnes forces the defenders into a decision no defender ever wants to make. It’s a no win situation for a defender.

The dive wasn’t really needed in all honesty and you are right in that kind of stuff needs to be stamped on.

The only problem I can see is that match officials are either unaware of the Laws of the game, or wilfully choose to ignore them when it suits their purposes. In our case, I believe it is the latter.

Thiago & Trent made the right decision; they stood their ground; they did not move into the path of diver-barnes. It was the referee and VAR that were at fault and their collective decision to ignore/misapply the laws of the game.

If roles were reversed and it had been two Leicester defenders against Mo, I have no doubt that bluemoon-taylor, backed by manurite-(t)watwell on VAR, would not have given the free kick.

And the pundits/commentators are no better, in fact they are worse. How often do we hear (of a player/team they favour) “there was contact, he was entitled to go down”?

Conversely the same pundits/commentators will accuse our players of diving.

If it means we get sound match officiating, like last night against RB Leipzig, the European Super League cannot come soon enough.


yes I do find myself increasingly asking whether it is incompetence or otherwise.

In my opinion Barnes did not need to dive, only go for the gap and leave the decision to the defenders. If he had I suspect it would have ended with a penalty to Leicester, a correct and justified one not and the 2 minute long review that honestly made me feel like they were looking for any scrap to give it.

Bit like the offside that followed to be honest. I still have a bit of a bad taste in my mouth over that one. I think someone put some Vegemite in my Marmite.

Yet again this isn’t an offence. Only the fact that referees are biased or shit would lead to it being given as a foul. You can’t just choose to run into another player and expect to be given a free kick. That’s fucking ridiculous there’d be twenty penalties per side each game. As was shown above the rules of the game specifically state a player DOES NOT have to get out of the way.

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I’m afraid blocking a player is obstruction and a foul. You’re most certainly wrong here.

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Not in that situation. The ball is in front of a standing stationary Thiago and Trent. Barnes then kicks it past them. They do not have to move out the way as the ball only went there because Barnes kicked it there. How many times do defenders just usher balls out of play getting in between the attacking player and the ball?

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Read my post again I’ll quote it for you.

“They STEP INTO HIS PATH and concede a fee kick / penalty for obstruction.”

The only other alternative is they let him through or try to challenge and the likelihood is that they bring him down.

I really don’t think you understand my point here at all and I honestly don’t think I can put it any more plainly than I have in my response to @Lowton_Red above.

Bollocks isnt it. You have this thread and also the Owners thread that has been taken up mainly with chat about VAR and bent refs.

Despite there being a VAR thread actually set up for that.

Bit weird


You have to move into their path. If you stand still and the player runs into you, it isn’t a foul.


Both of you are right, the unfortunate thing is how the ref perceive it at that moment in time and if VAR does not deem a clear and obvious error, then they will not call for a review and even if they do, its still up to the ref to decide who was in position first…and again if down to humans… they will make errors and unfortunately it happens to us alot this season.

Really it’s a no win situation, you are gutted if the decision is against you and you are gutted if you don’t get the decision :slight_smile: