The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 1)

I think they said he has a year left. If he’s got more than that, then I’m disappointed with the length of contract we’re offering lately.



Maybe you could just accept other people have different opinions, and your posts are as based on conjecture as anyone else’s?

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I’ve got no problem with opinions. It’s when people mock and act with derision towards my opinion or question the logic of my opinion whilst blatantly refusing to understand the reasoning for that opinion and dismiss it as jumping through loops.

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There is chatter on the socials about what Haaland’s camp was telling the interested clubs this past week of what their demands are.

These numbers have only been confirmed by one Spanish news outlet, so take it exactly for what it’s worth, which at this point is a good chuckle!

Dortmund current asking fee €180M and will not accept anything lower than €150M
20M to Raiola
20M to Haaland’s father as intermediary
600k/wk wages + 5 year deal

Entire package worth approx €360M over 5 years.



We could probably get Mbappé for less.

And we will. :wink:


Don’t Barca still owe us funds for Phil?

Why should Haalands dad get £20m? I’d refuse to pay that if I were any team.
Only PSG and city can afford these types of deals but I’d think they would even bulk at those figures.

Doesn’t the investment the club have received go towards signing someone like Mbappe? I think this deal is more realistic out of him or haaland. He seemingly wants to come here so would maybe accept a smaller wage at the start and have a huge bonus paid if we win the major tournaments.

FSG have the money if they really wanted to do the mbappe deal. But I think mane or Salah would have to go if he came in.


Nope, not by a country mile.

This deserves a
:rofl: :rofl:

Only his salary is a major concern.


Laughable really

Ok he’s had a good season but have they heard about the worldwide pandemic and the effect on revenues.

I would literally get up and walk out laughing if they punted that type of deal at me.


We don’t know this is true. We do know clubs have paid similar for Raiola’s clients before - and this is a reason why he remains successful in getting the clients he does. One common strategy in selling is to deliberately price high - it isn’t necessarily the price they expect to get but it helps shift the discussion to the higher price ranges.


I dont know if barca still owe money on the deal, but I saw it suggested that we may have already sold the debt on to free up cash some time ago.

The investment FSG got was for them to absorb the impact of covid on the finances of both us and the red sox. It probably isnt for us to spend on big transfer deals.

I think any talk of Mbappe wanting to come here is exaggerated. He might consider it, but is unlikely to want to come if it involves taking significantly less money than he would elsewhere.


I would love to hear some rumors about Origi, Wilson, Grujic, etc. etc.


I dont think we get to hear those until late in the window. They won’t be priority signings for clubs. Clubs will want to see if they can get the price down as much as possible - maybe trying for a loan.


Agreed, but some of them would be priority signings for clubs of certain levels. Ojo, Wilson, and Awoniyi have done well during their respective loan spells and some clubs would be happy enough to tie them up ASAP.

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More likely not priority sales for us, wait to see what we are offered during the window, what interest their agents can drum up.

They might do, but we know Edwards will probably be looking to maximise whatever he can get for them - it will probably depend on Edward’s pricing strategy, and if he is willing to be more flexible than last season.

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My thoughts could go in any number of threads but do people think this Summer is likely to be a bad time for an average player to move sideways?

Stepping up a league fine, same as always but moving from say the Bundesliga to the PL may not be as rich a move as previously thought.

I do wonder if there will be a compression in players wages for players moving this Summer.

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I dont think wage compression will be a significant issue. The gap between Premier League paying power and elsewhere is still quite big - if PL teams reduce wages, presumably other leagues will too and PL must be nearer to returning to full stadiums than their counterparts.

I would think any wage bill reduction would come from reducing squad numbers (or use of youngsters to fill some gaps) or moving on those with higher costs first.


Fair points. I can certainly see something happening somewhere just wondering where the likely pinch point will be.

I think there is good grounds to think they are priority sales for us - as long as there is genuine interest around the price points that Edwards has in mind for them. The club needs to raise funds and having deals in place for these would help keep things ticking over while deals for the bigger players are sorted out. Moving them on early also helps re-establish the club’s image to young players that we help to develop careers of young players even if they don’t make it here.


I think this might be the issue we run into with moving on the likes of Origi, Shaqiri, Grujic this summer. There are going to be a lot of clubs needing to move players on to squeeze out any potential wage waste or because they need to make up revenue gaps from the fallout of Covid.

If that turns out to be the case then there’s going to be an awful lot of middling players available and that’s going to make it a buyers market. Those taking a step up are likely to come with lower fees and lower wages whereas the market for an Origi or Shaq is likely to be held back somewhat by the wage demands those players come with. If we’re trying to sell them outside the Premier League that only gets magnified. Add in Edwards sticking to his valuations then I don’t think it’ll be as easy to shift some of our players on.

I think there’s a good chance we’re going to be supplementing the wages of some of those we’re keen to move on because we’ll struggle to find buyers on the continent that will match them and Premier League clubs are going to be looking at all those clubs needing to sell and thinking they might be able to pick up players on lower fees and wages then it would have taken a year or two ago.