The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 1)

Very little of what anyone says in this thread has any basis in reality most of what is talked about here is related to events that haven’t taken place and might never take place so it’s ALL bloody pie in the sky.
Which, I think, is largely the point.

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Re Tielemans. Meh.

For me he’s overrated.


Do Leicester players even want to come to Liverpool? Seems to me that they don’t like us, could be only Vardy and Schmeigel though.

Don’t see him doing any spectacular things besides that goal the other day, don’t know, perhaps I am watching the wong Leicester matches, for sure not all of them. :sunglasses:

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Ditto. Very much a case of the emperor’s new clothes.

Think it’s all journalist rubbish … “30% chance he will stay?”

How do they calculate that?


Roll of dice :upside_down_face:


If it’s a choice of Tielemans or Soumare, at probably half the price, Soumare please.

Cut out the middle man.


Mo’s value is unlikely to decrease over the next couple of years. Unless there’s an offer which is too good to refuse… I’m talking about upwards of 180M which is unlikely given the current economic conditions. I’d only see PSG making a punt and that’s only when Mbappe is sold for much higher.


Not really. He’s a player who relies on quickness. For him to really stay at Liverpool at 32 33 years of age considering that the body does degrade at that age , he will have to reinvent himself as a center forward.

Like i said , mo can be our first choice for 2 years. If he then reinvents himself as a center forward , then another 2 years. It is possible that he can do that. And we’ve seen quite a lot of wingers play more as center forwards further into their careers.

A huge plus for him is that he stays fit for throughout the season though.


Agree not impressed me, we need someone more athletic with a bit of pace

7 years after he retired, and PL and CL wins under our belt, we finally have an heir for Gerrard :roll_eyes:

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Slow , fat and lazy.

That’s what I’ve come away with when I’ve watched him play.

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If it was FM, I would definitely buy Soumare especially his age, with his potential and just reportedly 18m? But I am no Klopp, so he knows better what players fit into his system. As for Tielemans, yes he was a huge potential but coming to Leicester, he has been not very outstanding, Leicester is probably the right level for him, he is good, but not that good but not Newcastle kind of bad either…


When exactly have you seen me play? Also, you left out old!


I haven’t watched Tielemans very closely, don’t watch many Leicester games, but I can see him being a type of player we’d look for if Keita is on his way out. If not him, then someone similar.

Tielemans is really good, not sure about the shouts here. He was Leicester’s best player in a pretty good season for them. Top class performance in the cup final even ignoring the goal. And he played almost every game Leicester were involved in this season.

Wouldn’t pay 60+ million for him but if the contract situation allows him to go for significantly cheaper than that, yeah, we should be interested.


He’s got that puppy fat look. I have no idea how that translates into footballing ability however but it does mean there’s something to talk about.
I haven’t watched him for quite a while now but when Leicester took him I saw it as a blow to us as he should have been somewhere on our list of keep an eye on.

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The first name to spring to mind is Gaza. I seem to recall him being a bit ok as a player


Chris Waddle as well (he played for L’OM so i knew a bit about him).

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Oh god, with some of the shite haircuts our youth lads have, I’d hate to see him around them :laughing: