The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 1)

I thought Thiago was 38 games. In any case 17 of those were due to a thug. So possibly not as bad as it might seem.

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Plenty of thugs in the PL


And the ‘School of Thugs’ is just the other side of Stanley Park.


Maybe but I think the point was that the numbers pointed to players being injury prone. Being hacked up by a thug surely isn’t in that realm and puts him on the same level as everyone else. Unless he’s targetted specfically of course.

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Hendo played in 21 league matches this season. As I said in another post not trying to be overly dramatic but IMO that’s a legitimate concern.

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Unreliable, tenuous, improbable…


We will get linked with everyone and his brother as usual.

Not even sure what we are after to be honest, club seem to be silent on that as well.


It leaves us with Jones, Fabinho, and Thiago still with bit-part contributions from the likes of Henderson, Milner, Keita and Ox which you mentioned before.

That is plenty before sales. Oh… before sales we also have Grujic to be a backup of backups.

After sales, Grujic and Shaqiri will be gone and we’ll have that money to buy a midfielder or forward or both (but a forward is probably more of a priority).

I don’t see much wrong with that plan. With another forward, Firmino may also take on a different, deeper role.

It is not surprising to see the club prioritize. With the number of bodies, if we add another attacker… midfield is an area that can wait till next year (in a pinch).

I wouldn’t be surprised to see a little bit of Leighton Clarkson next season as well.

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Latest on Twitter is that Sancho and Konate started following each other on Instagram since he was announced.

This could be:

a) not true
b) a coincidence
c) a guarantee that we are signing Sancho


I see it as a guarantee we are signing Sancho!


Yeah I’m definitely going option c there.

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option a and b, whilst possible, seem a very niave stance


d) utter bollocks!


Regardless of whether it’s legit and Sancho is effectively giving us the puppy dog eyes (if his alternative is United then I don’t blame him) I don’t think we will be chasing another forward unless there’s a significant departure.

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Saw a few really unreliable outlets linking us to Hakan Calhanoglu because his contract is expiring in June. Good age but all I know about him is that he is described as a creative midfielder. Does anyone here know more about him? When they say creative, do they mean creative as in like more Thiago with vision and great usage of the ball and yet with a great attitude for the team or more like Coutinho who is great at times, only played well if the team is built around him?

I thought he was well into his 30s but he’s actually only just turned 27.

I don’t know anything else about him that isn’t common knowledge.

Yeah I just went to see some of his videos, he does not look the Thiago kind, more like Coutinho and to a certain extent, Shaqiri? when it comes to style…not sure of his personality or attitude which Klopp place alot of importance to, but in terms of style, does not seem to fit anywhere in our midfield now? I was thinking if he has an attitude good enough, he might be a good option for us. But as I said, only really unreliable outlets reporting and with him out of contract next month, not surprising to see him linked to big clubs.

In the words of one comment i saw on Hakan Calhanoglu, “You give Hakan 5 games and in two of those games he will be your best player” Alot of comparisons to Ozil in terms of overall contributions to the game defensively. Danger around the box, set piece master and is a XG dream. Reported to have contributed 3 chances a game in AC Milan over the season, best chance creator in the Serie A. Can play on wing or midfield. Only thing about him is not fast, and can be prone to go missing in games.

This is the same James Pearce in previous summers has told us Allison wasn’t a target and neither was Thiago plus had no clue about Fabinho and Jota till they arrived.


Well yes, as I said he is briefed by the club and usually says what they want him to say.