The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 1)

I see @rab has already clarified :grin:

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The funny thing is thats probably how its going to be sold to us by Jurgen and team, sigh.

Thatā€™s why MC own so many secondary clubs, approximately 10 in total so far.

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Nah, heā€™s definitely not going to be part of the first team next season.

If needs be weā€™ll be told Harvey Elliott is the ā€œnew signingā€ but Iā€™m still hopeful weā€™ll be bringing someone in.

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Surely if we let all of Origi Wilson and Shaq go then another has to arrive in addition to Elliott.

Happy to see Elliott get some game time next season. Cup games and the odd sub appearance. Think a season training with Mo and Sadio and Bobby could really elevate his game too.


If Origi is the one to leave, then a CF should arrive, perhaps Tammy Abrahams

Not sure why Tammy Abrahams was running around the pitch the other night wearing diamond earringsā€¦ Not sure he is an LFC type of player IMOā€¦!


Nice player but do we really need another winger?

Maybe Klopp thinks Jota and Salah can both play centre forward and that Raphina is the heir to Salah with his ability to cut in from the right on his left.

The flexibility and depth a line up of Salah, Mane, Firmino, Jota and Raphina would give us would be insane. But also hugely infuriating every time a chance went begging and people said we should have bought a number nine type instead.


I wouldnā€™t mind another winger, as long as he can play on both sides. I think pretty much all our four main forwards can play through the middle, not really that keen on getting someone who only plays the 9 position. So another versatile player would be great.


I still think we need to have a ā€˜traditionalā€™ CF as an option, maybe that Patson Daka that weā€™ve been linked with. That would be in addition to a versatile forward such as Raphina. If only because that would be good forward planning.

Yes, the pun was intentional.


Iā€™d rather look at someone who can play on the flanks personally I think both Salah and Jota can do that middle role.


I think itā€™s the style, not the fixed position that is important. A CF like Shearer, as much a goalscorer he is, is not going to help us with our system. Salah score that much not because he is foremost a great clinical finisher but his style and strengths allow him to flourish in our system and get into so many opportunities that he scores from them. Thus to me, a player that is fast, hard working, plays well in big spaces, and mobile and flexible across forward lines is more suitable for us.


Think I better buy a lottery ticket!


Success(ion) planningā€¦

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gotta get me them scratch and wins

Sayonara Takumi?

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He is fast I give him that but could he be on a cold and wet Monday night in Stoke? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Hopefully, weā€™ll never find out, unless weā€™re drawn away against them in one of the cups.

Anyway, Salzburg is hardly the Riviera, is it?


Indykaila says ā€œLiverpool want Raphinaā€. Must be a done deal, then.