The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 1)

But its 70 pages in the Unreliable Rumours page :grinning:

Who are you calling ‘filler’?


The BBC article is suggesting that Saul Niguez is a no go for us as he’s off to Barca
 shame if true.

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Some weird shit goes down in Spain
 Griezmann back to Atletico who got fucked over by Barca when he signed for them (120mil) and is on 700k a week
 Swap for Saul? None of that makes any sense.


No way Atletico, in some major issues financially, realistically see swapping Griezmann for Saul (who would be on less than half the wages) as something that helps them achieve some financial stability. Its also kind of like us swapping Firmino, our false 9, for someone like Alli or Mount. Saul isn’t even a number 10 option why would he be the replacement for a CF/wide forward/supporting striker type? Not saying it won’t happen as logic doesn’t seem to come into it with Spanish clubs transfer activities, but it makes no sense as presented.


So it was all simply a big misunderstanding, then. LFC was never interested in Saul.


Barca are looking for a midfielder while also looking to get Griezmann off their books, so for them it makes a lot of sense. They’re looking to shift Pjanic and Coutinho, and Carles Alena has been sold. And the replacement for Griezmann is probably already there in Depay and Aguero. I don’t know what Atletico’s situation is though.

Several sources in Spain are reporting it, so it seems like it’s happening.


They are in around 200 mil debt.

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Why would it have to be seen as a 1-1 swap by either?

Atletico’s 2 strikers last season were Costa, who didnt finish the season with them, and Luis. They brought in one of the Dembeles but he seemingly isn’t fancied. Atletico NEED another forward and finding a way to bring Griezmann back could be seen as sensible business if they can make the numbers work and he admits to being contrite about his previous conduct.


So Saul isn’t coming here

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Barca cant register any new player until they knock 200M off their wage bill.

Has been reported already that shifting Griezmann, Coutinho, Umtitti and Panjic will only reduce it by 80M so before they can register anyone they need to reduce a further 120M worth of wages. And their first priority will be getting Messi signed as they need his marketing pull otherwise their wage budget will need to be reduced even more as he brings in so much revenue for them


Doubt Saul was anything other than tabloid talk or Atletico looking to make a market for him.

He’s just the wrong side of our preferred age bracket with him turning 27 before the year is out. And if his wages are what’s being reported that’d be upwards of £150k a week right off the bat.

Guessing Barca see it as a good way to get a big wage bill off the books, raise some funds and get the midfielder they thought they were getting before Gini opted for PSG.

Still think up and coming and ready to be polished rather than finished product is where we’re shopping.


Saul Goodman :wink:


Messi was reportedly on 123m a season and is agreeing a deal for half of that, which would free up a further 60m. Although as his contract will run to 2026 and he is 34 I suspect all that has happened is that he is still getting 120m a year but spread over a longer time period (is he really going to play until he is 39?)


Agree, sounds like pie in the sky. It’s more likely an attempt to force an improved bid for Griezmann, maybe from Chelsea or MC.

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Is it purely wage bill, or is it related to debt? So if they reduce the debt by 100m by selling a few player, does that help from a wages perspective?

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But that isn’t included as his contract expired so is not currently included in their wage budget.

It is purely wage bill set by la liga based on full financial accounts including revenue debt and more.

Check the La Liga thread as it has it all explained

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It’s both. They have a lot of debt. They also have either outstanding payments or payments falling due on transfers they have made that along with salaries that combined total more than their income.

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Pearce saying there was never a bid from M’Gladbach for Origi.