The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 1)

Bobby isnt past his use by date we just overplay him and he gets burned out because we have no other like for like option and our system relies on his skill set and intelligence to create space and opportunity for Mo and Sadio

He needs to be playing less games

Jota can cover Mo and Sadio easily but as soon as we move someone into Bobby’s role we instantly become less effective. I would hope whoever we buy up top is directly capable of replicating Bobby’s skillset which admittedly wont be easy because he is such a unique talent.

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According to local reporting in Burnley, they are still interested in Phillips as they want another option at CB. Might be reliant on selling Tarkowski to afford him but they’re comfortable to wait until late in the window.


Gutted to be priced out of a deal we probably weren’t doing anyhow.

As for Italian’s being bad at Liverpool one was crocked when he arrived and the other was Borini who was basically Rodgers mate.

Not to mention Ballotelli who is Ballotelli, I don’t think you can make a judgement on that, not to say I’d go for Barella just saying it really is the players we’ve bought rather than Italians themselves.

Our french signings have been worse probably and yet we signed Konate.


Sakho was great! :angry:

Dossena was shite, though arguably worthwhile for the goals vs United and Real.

But yeah, all of these signings were sloppy on our part more than anything else. Seemed obvious from day one that Dossena wasn’t suited to the Premier League.

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At acting the clown? :smiley:


It’s a weird one, as I sigh slightly when linked to Italian players, based on previous. But yes, of course, the country where they come from is irrelevant. It’s the kwality innit?!

The other thing with previous signings is that we have to consider the team we were at the time. Often we were not shopping at the higher end of the market.

The one we did spend a lot of money on, especially for the time, was Aquilani. When I saw how close together his eyes were, I knew it would be trouble.

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That as well, good player and a character ‘trompeuse’. :wink:

Btw was that worth an extra comment? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

What I question is who we have bought from the Bundesliga, much worst imo. :grin:

Bobby and Thiago both Bundesliga

And Klopp was a Bundesliga coach before us


If I were to put money on it I’d say the link has a media invention.

Our recruitment portfolio casts its nets very wide. That means there are orders of magnitude more players who we have a folder on than those who have made their way down to the narrower portion of the funnel to the point that we’re considering making a move on them. Youri is simply too good a player and once upon a time too close to the profile that we look at, for him to have not been in our portfolio. Im also sure there is someone who still pays attention to him, but the reality is the Leicester move almost certainly moved him to a point that made making an actual move extremely unlikely. Outside of taking advantage of a winding down contract, the money it would take to draw someone from a competitive and well run (i.e. have a bit of money to spend themselves) prem club is almost certainly way too much for a player who isnt absolutely lighting it up.

Basically, i’d wager very good money that somoene has turned “liverpool have looked at him before” into liverpool are considering making a move for him now, when they are entirely different issues.


Matip’s been a big success too, recently.

Marcus Babbel if we’re going back further.

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That’s your opinion. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I think you could take 50% of players across Europe and Liverpool will have information on them.


“bEcaUsE tHeY HaCkED oUr dAtaBAse” - Every cunt on bluemoon.


Both of them. Plus the thousands of bots.


I’d love Aouar, think he is an excellent player. Dominated City one time I watched.


monty williams GIF

Couldn’t find the gif I really wanted :slight_smile:


PhwAouar… amirite?


Aouar is good, but it’s not stylistically one to replace Gini. We’ve been linked with quite a few stylistically different midfielders, sounds weird, so I don’t trust all of those links. Imagine having Thiago, Keita and Aouar. Keita might leave in that case though, we’ll see. 3 players who basically share their best zone/position. I may like it, but seriously speaking, I’m sorry, it’s too unbalanced.