The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 1)

I don’t think anyone is calling the club cheap. It’s more that this would be borderline pushing our entire financial setup. Salah who has averaged 30 goals over 3 years is on £200k/wk base. Mbappé would likely come on 50% above that without the runs on the board.

Even when factoring all the additional commercial side you’ve mentioned it still doesn’t add up when we factor in the pandemic. As you say FSG are smart businessmen. Businessmen who are risk averse when it comes to LFC. We’ve had a season where 2 or 3 games had a small number of fans in and that was it. There are absolutely no guarantees that this season won’t be a repeat once we reach winter. If FSG signed him and the pandemic went to pot again, I honestly think they would quickly find a buyer from the ME and they would wash their hands of the situation.

Normal owners can’t really afford to push those financial boundaries right now.

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I think its 50/50.

Barca are finished. Real aren’t great , are ageing, need a huge rebuild but they’re skint.
That doesn’t leave many teams he can go to.
He needs to leave psg though.

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I would not want our club to be paying ridiculous wages. Our top earner Salah is already earning ridiculous wages, if not for even more ridiculous ones you see in these oil backed clubs. I cannot imagine Mbappe willing to come on 200K or lower, if he is willing to, great. If we bend our backs to get Mbappe here on even more ridiculous wages like 300K, I personally would be disappointed. Mbappe is a great player already at his young age and maybe will be the best in the world one day. But Liverpool under Klopp has shown us that we don’t have to buy the best always to win everything.


The problem being that there isn’t a route out of the club for any of them.

Mbappe has said that he wants to be coming off the left, not playing through the middle.

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football is a funny game

he has a bad year and some flashy new south american lad has a 25 goal season somewhere else and the situation changes immensely.

at his current trajectory though…i doubt that situation arises

I don’t think he would, and I genuinely think with Mbappe it’s not about salary. As I said above, it’s will be more about the platform to elevate his brand and put himself into global superstar territory - cos that’s where the serious money is.

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Like Neymar got what 7 hotels as part of his move to PSG? Maybe we could do a pie shop and a scarf stand for Kylian…


Just make sure Alisson is barred.


Unless we can shift the likes of Origi, Minamino and Shaq then we aren’t going to sign someone like Jarrod Bowen let alone pipe dreams like Messi and Mbapppe.

Need to see some movement on the outgoings pretty sharpish and then we can start talking about some realistic incoming options.

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Let’s do the maths then…

£120m+ fee.
£78m wages (£300k/week over 5 years)
£15m signing fee
£15m agent’s fees
Total £228m+

Next year:
Free agent. Training compensation <£250k
£117m wages (£450k/week over 5 years)
£20m signing fee
£20m agent’s fees
Total £157m

In reality, we’d pay more in signing fees to reduce the weekly wage but the total would remain in the same ball park.


Plus the knock on effect on every other contract negotiation in that five year period and beyond.

Unless we can massively increase our revenue it just isn’t feasible.


Think we’ll see some movement this week with only a week to go till the season starts decisions need to be made.

Villa and Saints have a bit of cash in their pockets think the dominos will start to fall very soon


See my final comment.

I would love for Mbappé to happen. And although I think highly improbable it’s possible that it can happen. We really do need to start bringing in some younger forwards, and the success rate of our teenage forwards hasn’t exactly been great recently so I do hope we target someone in their early twenties if we decide to shift Origi.


This is what I’ve been saying all along. The chances of it happening are less than 50-50, so I don’t think it will happen.

But it might.

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It won’t happen. In fact I can’t see how any team can afford him in the present state of financial woe. Real or Barca would probably love him but neither has the cash. Both are looking to loose players to bring in just replacements. I think this lad has really just been priced out of the market.

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Absolutely correct historically Barca and Real would be a factor offering massive wages and paying a huge fee which realistically they can nolonger afford.

Covid has really hurt them both they thought they were untouchable and their reign would never end but Covid has brought a new reality.

I can still see him at Real who are better placed than Barca but next year, on a free transfer, too offset the massive wage package he will get.

Still think he could stay at Psg too. They are realistically the best placed club in the world financially. It may end up he signs a new contract with a semi reasonable 200 mil buyout clause to give him the out once the clubs get back to full stadiums

Maybe Barca are getting rid of Messi in order to bring Mbappe in on a free…

With Mbappe the wages aren’t necessarily an issue, it seems like Salah (on his current wage here) sometimes earns more from us (title winning seasons etc.) than Mbappe earns on his current wage at PSG. Salah is also actually in line for a pay increase and contract extension soon.

The issues are;

A; Would he accept some of that wage being performance related meaning in years he and/or us don’t do so well he earns less than he currently does.

B; Does he put a pay increase as a requirement on any move? PSG are offering to massively increase his wages if he agrees to extend and stay there.

On wages it would always come down to what his motivation is. I’d say his motivation isn’t simply to earn as much as possible because on that nobody in the world can match PSG so he’d have extended by now. But it won’t be black and white, one or the other. Sporting side probably matters a lot more than financial as he’s still young, earned a lot already and should have a long, high earning career ahead of him still. But to even be in the conversation I think we’d have to be willing to do what we did with Thiago and put him on a contract that’s in line with our top earners.

Clubs Matchday Broadcast Commercial Total
Barcelona 126.40 248.50 340.20 715.10
Madrid 108.20 224.00 359.60 691.80
Munich 70.30 203.30 360.50 634.10
United 98.80 159.90 321.70 580.40
Liverpool 82.70 232.50 243.40 558.60

There’s a significant gap in commercial revenue of Liverpool and other top clubs. I haven’t included City, Chelsea, and PSG since they can always rely on their sugar-daddies.

Until we can close this gap, we simply can’t offer wages these clubs can offer.