The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 1)

We got mildly tipsy, wait till we can fly to Vancouver :wink:


my wife was so surprised that I was back at midnight. she thought for sure I was coming home at 3am or later. it was such an emotional day/evening and so much travel leading up to it, I ran out of gas trying to suck those beers back in the Kop bar.

I’m sure I’ll be #1 on the call list when you book those flights. looking forward to it



So, so needy. :wink:

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Those fellas looked after me. Always willing to repay the favor


Great player and all, but man I will be happy when the Media/Twiiter Leo Messi wank fest is over.

He’s gone to PSG and been announced, time to take your hand off it and concentrate on sourcing some decent transfer rumours.


They can dine out on this, considering none of them spotted it happening says it all.

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Click link and scroll down to see how much bullshit this Pedro dude has created.


To be fair to Pedro, most if not all of those do appear to be at least somewhat believable so he has obviously given these rumours some thought. Lots of the links we see normally are targets that are fairly unlikely. :rofl:


I don’t want Belgums playing for Liverpool.

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So that’s your major gripe over Big Div?


He is the exception to the rule. :drooling_face:

Jannik Vestergaard, another CB, really?

Best line in season 2 of Ted Lasso “He’s not being rude, he’s Dutch”

My wife thinks that is the funniest thing she has ever heard. We are the exact target audience being American soccer fans and my genetics being 100% dutch…

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“There are only two things I can’t stand in this world:”
austin powers GIF

For all the talk of how likable Ted is, these throw away lines that reveal a deep understanding of something that is very niche for an American audience is the best bit about the show.

:How many countries are in this country?"
“Four” everyone else immediately responds in unison



Lovecraft (rightly) is criticised by modern readers for his racism, but alongside that I honestly find his sheer disgust/terror of the Dutch incredibly amusing.

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I love the show, but do wonder how/if it plays in England as a lot of humor is based in American attempts to (mis)understand England

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I enjoy that element of the humour, but overall as a show I found it a little bit saccharine for my taste. To that end, I actually preferred the shorter Ted Lasso promos that came out before the show itself.

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Buy buy buy I say

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