The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 1)

About Mbappe, if does go for free (or some decent amount on gentlemen’s agreement), I can see him going to Bayern.

I agree with your point, but I also question why you’d want to go to Real at all at this point in time.

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Why not though? It’s still a really good team, well capable of winning the CL.

Well, no. As I said in my post - "I can’t think of any player (or fan) that would choose to move to another club ahead of the one they support, unless they had doubts about their ability or playing time at that club, That certainly applies to Dele Alli. I also suspect, coming from Argentina, Aguero wasn’t really a Liverpool fan.

I would also argue there is a world of difference going to Real Madrid consistently at the pinnacle of world football and going to a Liverpool team who were not.

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Despite him saying his childhood club was Liverpool.
Where did you get that from the Spanish/Madridan media?
His interest in RM has always been quoted as being that ZZ was manager, he isn’t anymore!


They were both fans but when did they reject us?

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Didn’t we turn down the opportunity to sign Dele Alli?

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He does worry about his reputation though,he’s all about wining and being the best,he’s also been quoted as saying “Real are a club you go to when you’re mature and on top of your game” at 22 is that the age he feels he is mature enough?

He’s also mentioned LFC,Klopp,plus followed VVD,Salah and Fabinho on his social media accounts over the years.He’s also got a thing for how clubs are within their social area’s and the feeling a club has with it’s fans,it’s kinda like Klopp and how he feels his attatchment to Liverpool and it being the right place to be for him,i get that feeling with Mbappe.

If there is no transfer fee and there is an opportunity to join a Premiership club before Real,then i think we are the only nailed on club he’d sign for,as it wouldn’t soley be based on money but history,passion,wining,team morale,manager and fans,you know,everything that can’t be bought or manufactured.

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Maybe Jamie Webster should knock a Mbappe song out now…
I’m sure if the LFC fans are belting that out at this seasons CL final there is no way he could turn us down!


Especially if we are spanking Real Madrid 5-0 at the same time.

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It was when we signed Suarez and Carroll, Aguero turned down being the replacement for Torres, was on last 18(?) Months of his deal at Atletico Madrid and extended his deal, only to move to City that Summer for more. And no he describes himself as quite a big fan in his auto biography.

Alli rejected us to go to Spurs.

The story goes he rocked up at the club when we were trying to get him to sign and he wanted to meet Stevie and apparently he was asleep and chose not to get up and meet him and Alli took it as a bit of a snub.

I forget where I heard/read that story now but i remember it being a reputable source.


I thought the transfer committee didn’t want to stump up the £5m fee.

He wouldn’t get near our current team anyway.

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Not sure it was just that. We basically did a slapdash job of trying to impress him, show him around, introduce him to people (biggest draw obviously being Gerrard) and basically banked on him being a fan so it being in the bag. He went to Spurs (the other option) they sat him down discussed how he would be used tactically, showed him plans regarding what would be happening with stadium, gave him the tour, introduced him to the team. So he basically signed for them believing they were more serious about wanting him and incorporating him into the side. He’d of probably had same playing role, chances and roughly same pay at both clubs.

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who did he used to pick in Fifa? :rofl:


One of the peculiarities of Paris is that it is a hot bed of talent, but until relatively recently didn’t have a club that provided a real calling to those kids. As such you can look at a top france team full of kids who grew up in or around Paris with few if any of them having a connection to PSG as fans or youth players. As such you get kids growing up there like Mbappe who look at his french idols like Zidane and become de facto “fans”* of the clubs those players played for.

*Also important to understand that kids involved in the game at that level at that age almost never have the same concept of being a fan of a club the same way the rest of us do.


I’d play him ahead of Ox when we want a real AM in midfield. His career and reputation got a trashing (as someone’s always does) by Mourinho but he’s still a fantastic footballer.

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I heard that the deal was almost done then Ali asked for season tickets for his mates or family and we said no.

Not sure how true that is of course.

Still does! :wink:

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We viewed him as a youth/reserve signing and treated his visit accordingly. Other club, including Spurs viewed him as a first team player. All the other pieces of this are just extensions of that fundamental difference in opinion of who Dele was and what he was ready to do, and that is what tipped him in the direction he went rather than the fact he got snubbed by Stevie per se.