The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 1)

There was a bit of a running joke in Dublin (where Robbie was born and raised) during his career about it being his “boyhood dream” to play for pretty much every club he joined.


There not often used as an excuse for us not signing someone which was what the journalists were quoting.

Frankly the lot of them have shown how unconnected they really are this summer and then want to stir the pot.

I have so little time for them.

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Loads of players linked to Liverpool nowadays by the supposedly itk journalists are hogwash.

While we were interested in werner , jota probably was the first target. Wouldnt put it beyond edwards to pull off what he did with the fabinho transfer again.

I’d still maintain that liverpool has a card to play this transfer window. This is mainly us playing the smart card.

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It must be hard being a journo these days. Fans clamour for transfer news and it drives huge clicks which is what publishers measure their performance by. They’re now in a position where they get on board with that side of it or try and maintain their integrity. Clubs want to use them to get certain information out there but also stop them from breaking other news at the risk of being cut adrift from the club as a source.

Those that want to maintain their integrity and relationship with the club tend not to be the ones pretending they are ITKs. They just report what they can and won’t risk upsetting the club and fair play to them for that. Covering the club is how they make a living so biting the hand that feeds them isn’t a good idea. Pearce, Reddy and a few others fall into that bracket but they don’t really pretend to be “in the know” they just have a relationship with the club that most don’t.

The ITK types like Romano, and the Twitter/Podcast crowd will peddle any and every rumour they can as they have no direct ties to clubs. They are the ones who whip the transfer frenzy up but clearly some do have a degree of insight on things that are going on, even if they do also base a lot of it on what others might be saying instead of it coming from the horses mouth. Would I trust any of them implicitly, not a fucking chance. Do I still read what they say whilst applying a large pinch of salt, of course.

Then you get the likes of Ornstein, Matt Law or other credible journos who will publish something they’ve got a sniff of if they’re convinced the source is solid enough. Usually not club specific but perhaps more solid than your Romano types (who will copy it and post it out in their own way too as if they sourced it). To be credible doesn’t mean they have to know everything going on and I think that’s a trap a lot of people fall into. “Oh they didn’t know about Jota so why would we believe them when they say we’re looking at X.” They might get whiff of some things and not others and what they do report I think comes from a genuine place.

In the end, the easiest way to deal with it all is to wait until there’s confirmation from the club and then for the window to close before you pass any judgement. It’s just not as much fun that way though.


Aurelien Tchouameni anyone?

Reported by Corrier Dello Sport - as unreliable as it gets. Never heard of him. Reported last week but not any real noise. I spotted it on the Echo who have done a report today.

A midfielder at Monaco - supposed £25m price tag. Good end of ball recoveries, 21 years old.

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Yeh, there was a post about a week ago linking us.

I’ve never heard of him.

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I really like him. He is better option than Bissouma but why would Monaco sell him?

Maybe if they fail to get CL football (lost last night’s first leg to Shakhtar)… who knows what is their “calculation” for this summer.


They sell their key/star players regularly. That’s how they operate.


We know Edwards does a really good job keeping things quiet on our end, as Fabinho and Jota were announced with virtually no rumors about them beforehand. But usually, we have some little tidbits here and there.

I am guessing we’ll see movement on some of our bench options as we get closer to the window closing.

Trent running down the wing, puts in a cross and Sarr heads it in before anyone knew we’d even signed him


We don’t have to sign Sarr to do that, he can score the own goal when we play them

Sarr could cross it from the right wing,
He is that fast… get into the box himself to head it home…! :upside_down_face:


So fast he can turn off the lights and be in bed before it gets dark.

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so he’s Chuck Norris?

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Not Chuck Norris - This guy.


Yep,could live with that….now to the real world……

Thought this would happen.


I don’t see us signing Sarr.

If we were going to get him it would have been last year when they were down, not now