The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 1)

Excited Season 4 GIF by The Office


@ZinedineBiscan reliable enough?


Dare I predict that we will have a boss song forā€¦

Heeey Jude! :sunglasses:


If you have to askā€¦


Tbf, Hignett just says Liverpool. Maybe heā€™s talking about Everton?

Steve Harvey Lol GIF by NBC

Bellingham would be very nice indeed. He has got the lot, and plays with such maturity. He improves the group right away, while also being one to count on for many years to come. Yes please. If possible financially.


John Gibbons of TAW says Craig hasnt been wrong before about any info he has got. First time for everything though!

Is this regarding Bellingham or some other player?


Heā€™s gonna be Englandā€™s best player, if heā€™s not already. Would be a brilliant signing. If ā€˜former Middlesbrough midfielder Craig Hignettā€™ says itā€™s a cert thatā€™s good enough for me :+1:

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Shrewd move if we pull it off. The surname Bellingham has 10 letters. With the price of getting your name on the back of the shirt factored in, this one practically pays for itself.

FSG. Smartest people in the game.


Heā€™d be like a Jordan Henderson long term replacement (even if Jude looks like heā€™s more rounded than Hendo or has the potential to be) while Hendo is still here and going strong (but in the final years, weā€™ll see if thereā€™s a potential Millie in him, but thatā€™s rare) and itā€™s exactly the time when sometimes you bring the next one in, to make that transition smoother (plus opportunity to learn and takeover one of the leader roles).


You do wonder if this is exactly why we didnā€™t spend, I guess we will see in due course but itā€™s not the first time Klopp has held back.

Edit: apologies I forgot who Craig Hignett was for a second, mind you makes a change from Jan age Fjortoft.

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Yeah still plenty to learn from Hendo in the meantime

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You could imagine if heā€™s told he can re-sign the entire of his core, including Salah and add someone like Bellingham the summer after heā€™d be 100% for it.

Wonder if we go for Vlahovic in Janā€¦ Heā€™s a machine and something different.

Craig Hignett? Surely not. Itā€™s like reading Kraptalk!

Anyone remember this post? :joy:

Dec 2019 the christmas before covid hit and destroyed our finances? I am pretty sure we did have a deal lined up for Sancho.


Dortmund wonā€™t sell Bellingham next summer.

Have to add someone else next summer. Not sure what type of CM that should be.


A healthy one would be a start.