The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 1)

It was my first thought, but I think that the club may feel we have enough in midfield for the remainder of the season…?

Well that worked well then, didn’t it Gini? Apart from the wage increase of course.


Someone just posted the interactions Gino used to get on twitter at lfc compared to those at psg.

He used to get roughly 48,000 likes on his pics and now gets 8000.

Not relevant to getting on the pitch I know but I thought those stats were quite remarkable


Especially since he apparently said he didn’t feel that much love here.


I’m sad for Gini, as he’s a likable fella and was a good player for us. Young man, multimillionaire, will be fine, of course. But his career is now about $$ and not the higher aspects of the sport - being part of a team, having a bond with your teammates, having a connection with the fans, respecting and running through a brick wall for a great manager, going for trophies, etc.

It helps to serve as a cautionary tale on leaving Liverpool. We have got a very special thing going on here, and if you have a chance to stay, you should.


Another player who thought the grass was greener elsewhere :roll_eyes:


And not the first time. And won’t be the last time given it keeps happening and still players continue to do so


He got screwed by Barca, didn’t he. This time because they got in financial shit and couldn’t sign players.

They just keep finding new ways to shaft footballers.


If you watched them v’s Bayern I’d say they’re simply shafted… Since the 4-0 they have imploded…

His last ever tweet…


So, should Kloppo and co. go for him and take him back if there is an opportunity? These six months might have shown Gini what he has been missing at LFC. They say never come back, but Rush did it and he was right about it. Gini would still be incredibly useful for us imo, especially as we know that at some point, Fab, Hendo and Thiago will be out again for some time, hopefully not all of them together again, fingers crossed… But still, Gini would provide strength in depth with Jones still suffering from that stupid eye injury, and Elliot not back before next spring.

We are a bit too thin in midfield at the moment, and bringing him back for a six-months loan spell until the end of the season could be a smart move.


For me, no. He’d stop minutes for the likes of Morton, Elliot (who will be back in Jan) and Jones (who is back imminently).

Is he better than the three mentioned? Yes certainly at the moment, but he is approaching 31 and they are our future who need game time.


He made it pretty clear he didn’t want to leave. We don’t know what kind of money he was asking for or what the club was offering but there was an unwillingness from somewhere to find a compromise that meant he stayed. Very different from the likes of Suarez and Coutinho and a bit unfair on the bloke.

And yet we’re also happy to push for players to leave when it suits us and question why the likes of Divock would hang around if he’s not playing much. It’s a job to these people and one with a short shelf life. As much as we’re disappointed when it happens, you can fully understand why players see beyond just what’s happening on the pitch when deciding where they want to be.


I’d be very surprised if Elliot makes it back into the first team before next spring. This type of injuries need time in order to find back top form. I very much hope that Jones will be back imminently, but these eye injuries can be nasty. I can remember Momo Sissoko struggling a lot with this, for a long time. Morton is a real talent, I’ll give you that. But I can’t see him play a regular role in the first team until the end of this season. He isn’t ready for that on a physical level.

So, a loan spell until the end of the season could be appealing both for Gini and the club imo. But that’s a decision for Klopp and his staff to make. It all depends on how they see the physical state of our midfielders, for the rest of the season. But last season, and also a few struggles during this one, should serve as a stern warning for us that everything can implode very quickly if we are again hit by a string of injuries among our midfielders.

Never go back


I’m happy Rush came back, but I’m not so sure it was the best move for the club. We lost Aldridge who was performing equally well, and I don’t think he was ever quite the player he was before the move to Italy. Given the ageing of the squad a younger option may have been a better call.


Only if he is picked ahead of them, which isn’t necessarily guaranteed. Really depends on how Klopp views his role.


Perhaps the comparison with Rushie wasn’t really adequate anyway. I’m talking about a six-months loan spell in order to make us stronger and maximise our chances to win every trophy available this season.

I’d not be in favour of bringing him back permanently.


I agree. Bringing him back for a 6 month loan would be a smart move especially when you consider how much time Hendo, Thiago and Fab miss through injury or just not being available for every game. Gini was unbreakable and that could be a valuable asset as we head into the sharp end of the season.

Maybe moving to Newcastle in the summer would be good for Gini as he’d get all the game time he wants and they would probably match whatever PSG are paying him.

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Would be useful. Especially if Edwards could get PSG to pay his wage but for the self respect aspect it’s a no from me. Once you leave us, that’s you done.


Not sure why people are saying he should come back. We’ve actually gone up a level without him and the stats and goals scored this season bear that out. We’ve had injuries there, yes, but it hasn’t hampered us all that much. Henderson has gone up a level, Thiago is looking as class as we know he is and Fabinho is also playing well while the ‘second choices’ are also playing well albeit with some disruptions with injury.

We’ve moved on and are absolutely dominating teams. I haven’t missed him at all, personally, and we’re better off without some of his crab like displays.