The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 1)

Not recently but there was Robbie Keane



I know Gini HAS done this, but all the more likely that someone with his scoring record is unlikely to replicate that. I think it’s unfair listing Morton as the alternative as he would strictly be used for either the 6 or most defensive 8, he wouldn’t be the one you’d turn to for some attack from midfield. Elliott and Jones would be the kids for those options and both more likely to provide us with goals than Gini looking at club form. Saying all that I think Morton has a mean howitzer of an outside of the box goal in his locker from what I’ve seen and read on the academy so maybe we are both selling him short and making assumptions?


If we are 2-0 down in the CL final, who is on the pitch and why are we 2-0 down? Bad luck, or a mistake or two, but otherwise we are dominating? Or are we being outplayed? What injuries do we have? And who is on the bench?

Anyhow, attackers at Liverpool who we would be looking to do something include Salah, Mane, Jota, Firmino and Origi and perhaps Minamino too. Three of them would be on the bench. Midfielders who we might be looking to bring some attacking oomph, who might not have started, could be Elliot, Jones, Keita and Ox.

I’m not so sure Morton would be the one we would be looking to in order to claw our way back in the CL final example hypothetically offered.

Anyway, Gini, good player, nice fella, I would have liked him to stay, he didn’t. I think we offered a new deal but perhaps not as long as he wanted. He assumed he was going to Barcelona but they have fallen apart, PSG stepped in, and while he hasn’t done terribly there, he is nowhere near regular enough for them, and may well be moving on.

But very unlikely to be back to us.

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Ha… It is a quiet slow moving Thursday afternoon is all…
The reference to Gini was in relation to him coming off the bench once before and scoring twice… Cant remember what CL game it was now :0))
Anyway, as GR said above, it is probably media bullshit rumours of him being available so soon after his departure…
But ya never know… it is only media bullshit if it was beyond the realms of possibility - which it isn’t.!
Gini has obviously had his time at LFC and attempted to move on to pastures new… Would Jurgen ever accept him back - probably not… yet stranger things have happened in football eh.
We get into the CL final… we are winning that baby… COYR
Draw on Monday… don’t want those shithouse Italian fans from Inter in the city, so anyone else will do nicely

Yes, we’ve got a free spot.

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He might just not have appreciated how special the set up at Liverpool is? He can come back on loan any time he likes as far as I’m concerned. No-brainer.

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He wouldn’t be just a stop gap though. He’s been coached to play a specific role in our midfield over a period of years. He knows the job inside out. I’d be absolutely fucking delighted if he came back for the rest of the season, especially if it costs us next to nowt! :smiley::+1:
EDIT: Plus, you could run him over with a baler and he’d still be fit for the weekend!

Totally agree on the Rush connection, we were better before Rush came back

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Surely that free spot is being saved for a significant transfer?

Gini isnt leaving PSG. It’s all just nonsense. The biggest issue they have had is that Poch has a serious puzzle to solve in how to set up the side to accommodate a front line of Neymar, Mbappe and Messi. Gini is a very obvious and flexibile solution in midfield for that problem. However, he’s barely got to play those 3 together this season so has ended up looking for more creative solutions from his midfield to make up for that, and Gini is less a fit for that. When you look at that side, there is no consistency in how they’ve been going out. At some point Poch will get his hands around it and there is no way that involves getting rid of someone as good and flexible as Gini.


Looks like Dortmund have won the race to sign Karim Adeyemi.


It’s an excellent move and natural/logical progression for Karim at his age and stage of his career. Consistent minutes in BL and Hansi continues to call him up to National squad.


Good move, means Haaland is outta there!

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€75M release clause activates this summer, which is a steal for his services in this market. With that said, the signing club won’t get off that easy, I can’t imagine what wage + bonus package he will be asking!


Yip, only a few teams in the hunt as that fee is going to be a lump sum. City, PSG, UTD, Chelsea and RM.

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I’ve read (please don’t get your knickers in a twist as this is off twitter right ;);)…) He wants aroudn £500k a week after tax, and the signing on fee’s are something like £30mil between him, his dad and agent. Pretty sure it was something like a £300mil investment over 5 years or something.


It has been reported recently Dortmund would be open to installments for the fee, but I doubt that’s the stumbling block!

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Yeah believe that was for a sale in January at an inflated price. I expect City to take up that option.


Ah fair enough, not sure it matters that much in the grand scheme of things. I reckon he’s off to City also.