The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 1)

Make that a 1000% surcharge for the way Howe set them up to play and use the ‘head injury’ excuse.


I don’t blame Eddie Howe for trying to survive that match. What else is he going to do?

Well, he can stop fucking whining, after they’ve been spanked for a start.


If the Bolton Baresi moves on, as expected, best of luck to him.

Last season hit the skids in a big way, but then we regrouped and ended up finishing third. Phillips was a massive part of that. Before that run in the team, he would have exited Anfield with barely a mention, for an undisclosed sum, probably to a level of football lower than the Prem.

Now he has every chance to cement himself as a solid Prem player, with the financial reward that will bring. Very well deserved that lad, and good luck.


How much did we pay? I can’t remember and am too pissed to start trying to search it on my phone.

He was free. He’d been released by Bolton.

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Didn’t we buy someone from Preston too? What’s he up to now?

Thanks :+1:

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Ben someone or other, he doesn’t actually exist.


Ah good. Thought I was going a bit ‘Memento’ for a minute.

All joking aside, Ben Davies was loaned to Sheffield Utd, at the start of the season.


I think its a bit low, unless his wages are quite high, which I don’t think is the case. At least 20m imo, might as well keep him if its less.

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Not to be a moaning embarrassing cunt.

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This^^^ and it just irks me when they say ‘the next Messi’ or ‘the next Ronaldo’… :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Marketing and money drives the wonder kid, or wunderkind, phenomenon. It’s a bunch of balls.

I’m glad we have a set up that plays it all down. Tyler Morton, brilliant showing, looked the part, looked good on the ball. Klopp knows all that and more besides.

But the one comment I do remember him saying is that he needs to put some weight on and grow stronger to be a Premier League player.

We are not putting players down. We are pastoral and nurturing in the right ways.

And we also aren’t afraid to make sure we keep their feet on the ground.

If they get too big for their boots they are moved on, like Bobby Duncan, for example.


Can’t be right can it?

‚New long term contract’ sound longer than 2022 imo.


Front what I’ve seen it’s a performance based option to extend for a year. Could be bollocks but makes sense in a way.

Take this with a pinch of salt (or however that phrase says)….Transfermarket has his contract listed as ending this season. 2022-June. I also figured that’s why he didn’t move last summer, it was likely a bit more attractive for him to run down his contract.

I also read an article on This is Anfield yesterday, specifically addressing both Div and Ox contract situations, their information aligns with mine, Div’s contract expires in 6 months while Ox has 18mos remaining.


If they rely on the same sources it’s not surprising…

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