The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 1)

Starting for a weak Barcelona side who are 5th in a weaker league and out of the CL.

Are we going to have Gavi and Elliot, two teenagers, playing in midfield and expect to win games every week in the Premier League? Won’t happen.

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Not really. But why hide positive tests and potentially play players who are ill and then this weekend pretend they’ve got an outbreak? Also don’t clubs have to submit testing and results to the PL?

The only reason to pretend you have cases is to get a game postponed surely? And they made no attempt to do that.

It’s a nonsense.


That’s why I said quite soon not straight away. But would have Elliott as a default starter right now over the other options for that right side CM.

Sorry, it’s youth being overrated again. There are better players available.


No the idea is hiding positive tests for players who are perfectly healthy. There would still be some positive tests for some with symptoms. Also if you always submit no positive tests it looks dodgy so submitting when it’s convenient for you, like now, when it won’t harm you.

I’m not saying I fully believe it just explaining the idea and benefits of it.

Or maybe, just like us, they’ve had an outbreak post Xmas at a time when cases are skyrocketing across the country. Seems more likely than conspiring to fake medical test results.

Anyway, back to unreliable rumours.

Gavi ain’t coming. He’ll be staying at Barca and de Jong will be shifted on.


I was composing a response but @AnfieldRdDreamer did it all for me.

Is there any better way to argue your corner than to revert to “conspiracy” as a method of defence.
Its kinda boring at this stage


Definition of conspiracy;

“a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.”

Pretty much spot on description of your theory. Unless you can provide some evidence it is therefore, by its very nature, a conspiracy theory.

The burden is on those making the accusation to provide proof, not for me to provide a counter that you find entertaining.


I didn’t posit a theory, I simply asked if something was a fair question.
You misundertood this to be honest, even when a possible rationale was presented by @AnfieldRdDreamer.

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Jules Lauren is so critical of Deschamp for continuing to ignore the latter for France, but he doesnt seem anywhere near the sort of player yet to justify such a reaction. As for the other guy, you broke my brain with your Jason Donovan pun about him last year and I can never forgive you.

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To be fair, he was also trusted by Luis Enrique in Spains big matches towards the end of this year including the Nations league semi and final. Sometimes a situation like Barca are in will throw up a couple of Russel Beardsmores and Lee Martins. Sometimes it will also allow a Giggs to get his shot as well.


Was it a fair when arsenal fans were “asking the question” of us last week? Because the overwhelming suggestion was that they were a bunch of misinformed, whining idiots.

I’m sure they thought their rationale was perfectly possible too, didn’t make it remotely true though.


If we are looking sideways, suspiciously, at Man City, it is fair game. Cheating bastards, from top to bottom.

No need for sensible precautions, or usual procedures. Start with cheating bastards and extrapolate from there.


Major, major differences between Liverpool and Man City.


Will just love it, love it, love it when we knock those cheating fuckers out of the CL… :+1:

Completely different questions;

Arsenal question; “Liverpool have been very supportive of covid restrictions and have no bad reputation for cheating but even though they have absolutely nothing to gain from delaying our match we still think it’s dodgy!”

The City questions; “How come when everyone else is losing important players at inconvenient times City aren’t? I mean considering they’ve got a reputation for rule breaking and a very sinister ownership is it possible they are giving the occasional brown envelope to the officials recording the positive test results here and there to make sure they always have the players they need?”

Not sure why you keep insisting each circumstance has equal weight.

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Clubs aren’t fudging their tests or results. That’s just ridiculous.


Sure, if you completely invent a new argument the arsenal fans were using then Rab’s point is silly. If you use the one they were actually using his point is completely valid.

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What was it then? What motivation do they think we had to move the game?

AFCON was a popular one