The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 1)

Mmmmmm, getting clicks… :stuck_out_tongue:


Not disagreeing with the macro premise that this is a tad absurd. I am simply trying to make the point that we as a club clearly don’t want to dump a bunch of cash up front for a player. Selling team in financial hardship needs cash up front because they cannot pay their current bills. If you were the selling team, would you take an offer of 20M with 12M up front or 30M with 3M up front?

Note: These are simply arbitrary values, but the point is, net worth and cash on hand are two very different things. Our operating income is likely severely pinched right now, more cash going out than coming in. I do believe we buy this month, but I believe it may not be what people want because the deal is likely to be structured in a manner we want it to be.

Finally, I don’t know shit. Because this summer, the club will fool us all and splash big on Mbappe or someone like that. We will have played 12 months of this “we don’t have money game” and Edwards will pull off his miracles again.


He does past the height criteria though, surely that counts for something?




When people talk about clubs needing to sell because of bad situation I think a lot of it is regarding the situation the French sides are in due to the TV deal collapse but that will be all about future revenue streams not a current hole in their bank balance so to speak.


The company had failed to make payments before it collapsed so I imagine it’s very much a current revenues issue as well as a future one.

Not sure if they’ve found a replacement deal yet but any deal they do would likely be for significantly less than they had been expecting.

No fans in stadiums and losing the primary TV deal would see a lot of Premier League clubs at the point of collapse. I can’t imagine the situation in France is too different, all be it with lower figures involved.


The league authority are negotiating with Canal+ but the offer is around half of what the previous deal promised. However analyst says the previous deal wasn’t practical to begin with.


Somehow I don’t think that it’s going happen.


Maybe Jürgen is going to feed him to his dog.


Think Salah and Elliott would love that move. :joy:

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What are they saying???

For all those muppets still going down the line of we have money to splurge on overpaying… How funny, £100mil and counting used as a figure we are in the red… Who’d of thought of a bit of evidence eh… Still waiting for anything to the contrary…

"Finding someone of the required calibre who is available at a reasonable price in January to enhance Liverpool’s challenge for silverware has proved problematic. There would be a premium to be paid and finance is another important factor.

The impact of the global pandemic continues to cut deep. The cost to Liverpool in terms of the dip in revenues is understood to be in excess of £100 million and still rising in the absence of match-day income.

When they bought Thiago and Jota in mid-September, the key to getting both deals done was the selling clubs’ willingness to accept only a small chunk of the fee up front.

“This is a very difficult transfer window, as you can imagine. Not a lot of the clubs have real money,” Klopp recently admitted."


No love for Fred?


Feel like I’m banging my head against a brick wall.

At no point has anyone that I’ve seen tried to deny that LFC has had a massive loss in revenue of over £100m and counting. So @Draexnael why don’t you stop misrepresenting what people are saying? The biggest element (so far) of the losses (£55m TV revenue) is coming From future revenues as already agreed. Some of the lost match day revenues are going to be against last year’s accounts which were probably set to show profit before the unforeseen Covid losses. We won’t know how bad it’s hit us till that years accounts are released. Some of the losses will be on this year’s accounts which probably also would have been running at a profit of some kind due to the Nike deal before the Covid losses. We won’t know those details till some time in 2022. So what evidence do you want? I don’t think anyone on here can leak confidential club accounts over a year in advance and IF they could you still wouldn’t believe them as they’d be uncorroborrated wouldn’t they?


Haha you are fucking hilarious.

I’ve asked you to post some proof the club has money to overpay in January.

Still waiting buddy.


I didn’t say we could. I said we won’t know till the accounts are released. What evidence do you think would even exist? This is like talking to a religious fanatic demanding evidence that God does not exist.

I’ll try again.

Bob and Bill both lose £100. It’s not a nice thing to happen and both are annoyed. One of them is a national minimum wage worker and the other is a millionaire. Both have the same loss but won’t have the same effect from that loss. I haven’t got access to their bank statements so can’t prove to you what the impact will be on each of them. However I know one of them will be fine. Without knowing more detail we don’t know which one LFC is.


If a club is prepared to accept staggered payment terms then Liverpool would theoretically have the ability to commit to signing a player whose ultimate cost would be north of £50m. In the current climate a large commitment of that nature would probably need to be guaranteed by the owners personally, as well (at least that’s what I would be considering demanding if I was a selling club and a club wanted to spread its payments in the current circumstances). The club certainly doesn’t currently have that in the bank nor does it have that sort of cash to call down from its current credit facility.

I just think it’s very unlikely we’ll risk that sort of financial commitment when the future income remains so uncertain. That, together with the position that nearly all clubs are finding themselves in, makes a short term loan the far more realistic and likely option, imo.


With my expert knowledge, I think its safe to say we will either sign someone this window or we will not.


I don’t think we need to spend anywhere close to £50 million personally but I guess a lot depends on who the recruitment team identify.

I couldn’t find the outlandish rumours thread.

Spanish media outlet is the source.

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