The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 2)

I used to play twice a week 5 aside and I’m not that good!


The good thing about Doak’s goal haul is he is closing in on Ronaldo’s career total!

On a more serious note, I take it all with a pinch of salt. Obviously he has done well as a youngster, hence he is here. But like Kopstar said, filling your boots and scoring 4,5,6+ against other kids is nice and all, but surely can’t be counted toward any sort of serious tally.

Let’s see what he does from this point forward. I’m not talking the lad down, and I want him to do well, but I’ve seen so many hyped up youngsters over the years that I have learned to take an interest while not assuming they will go on to do this or that. He is in the right place to maximize his potential and good luck to him.

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I’ve gained a lot of respect for Lee Dixon recently, as the only commentator I’ve heard who seems to understand/acknowledge that we don’t just “get lucky” on marginal offside calls.


He was part of a legendary Arsenal back four that were famous for the offside trap.

As immortalised in the late 90s comedy The Full Monty:
“It’s the Arsenal offside trap, isn’t it? Whenever any bugger looks like scoring, we all step forwards in a line and wave our arms about like a fairy.”

Only difference is these days we don’t wave our arms around as we rely on VAR to spot them for us. :grin:


There are couple one of the female pundits sings our praises on it which is refreshing to hear.


From today’s BBC gossip column:

Liverpool want to sign a top-class central midfielder this summer - and their number one target is West Ham’s England international Declan Rice, 23. (Football Insider)

Where’s the £150m that Moyesey wants, John? :joy:


I dont get the criticism of him I see commonly on here. I think he’s pretty good and, especially given he came up with Graham and so viewed us as their biggest rival, doesnt bring any of that with him into his commentary. If anything, of his playing experiences what he brings to our game is insight into what a special place opposition players felt Anfield was as he raises that often.


I personally love Lee Dixon and I enjoy when I have a match he’s working. I think he’s hilarious and I love hearing his ‘old school’ insight. My own perception, but he calls things evenly, as he sees them. I literally laughed out loud when he commented on an Arsenal player getting cheered simply for running fast. “What a world we live in when a player gets cheered for running fast with little purpose” :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

He also seems to show us quite a bit of love whenever I hear him on match commentary.

As an aside, I also happen to love Jon Champion but he’s another commentator I see taking much online abuse.



Tbh his comments rule out Mbappe also… No matter coz Salah is re-signing!


Seems nice and clear, not that we expected that we would be in the running for Haaland.

Just wondering what he meant by, “I don’t want anything to do with it. It’s not fun.”

I read it as, “The numbers in the game are getting silly, and we won’t bankrupt ourselves for the latest shiny thing.”
Or possibly, “All the hangers on around this deal who all need to be paid off - agent, dad, milkman - make the whole thing unpalatable.”
Or maybe, “Haaland is a great player and I would love to have him. But I don’t like that much money being given to one so young.”
Or perhaps, “Haaland is such a sure thing there is no joy in ‘finding’ him. We would rather get a player that we know will be good, and then you will find out about it when he wears the red shirt.”


Not sure if it’s the second-last one, but definitely the first one.

Think he turned United down because he didn’t want an unlimited spending power. He likes building teams not fantasy football.

Good that guy is way to ugly to play for Liverpool

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I think the no fun bit refers to the idea of developing your team by just competing for the most high profile players all the other top teams are going for.


Or “I couldn’t be fucked with the drama and I don’t want to be asked about it again”


‘Give me someone under the radar for around 40 mil and let me show you what I can do with him.’


Haaland will have massive trouble with injuries if he finds his way into the more physical English League. In the German Leagues, most of the defenders and midfielders are too nice quite a lot of times. And it isn’t as if his Injury record is spotless.

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Uglier than Kuyt?


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Hey, all Dutch are beautiful. Some just on the inside :grin:

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Worst chat up line ever for the red light district in the dam.

You need chat up lines for the red light distract?