The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Need to consider that the clubs supposedly interested are Bundesliga clubs who would have come up against him before, when he was tearing up their league.
His injury record was fine in Bundesliga (I think?) so potential buyers may not see it as a big risk for a player who was one of the best around at the time.

Isn’t a big crux of the problem our center backs aren’t dominating the 1 v 1s any more? We’ve always played high risk football, but we only rarely gave up more than a half chance… Now it seems the out ball is on every time, we fuck up the offside or don’t close them out.


if its true that Nabbys injury is serious (no idea how hes done fuck all for months) then we will have to get someone.

Exactly, but Fab and Hendo don’t seem able to cover like they did before


Do we have an “unreliable players discussion” thread?

It does seem like they are not dominating the same way but I think they’re being left on an island more so than they have been before and once again I think that’s down to how the two AMs are being deployed. Our “boring” midfield that was much maligned, while we won the league and CL, didn’t get forward much but they’d defend the WBs as they went forward which allows the CBs to play closer together. To me it looks like we currently have no one covering either WB, meaning the CBs (and DM) are trying to defend the entire width of the pitch so they’re further apart and there is more space for attackers to move into.

What we are asking of our WBs and CBs is just way too difficult in my opinion.


Yes, Ox’s, Keita’s and Thiago’s. They’re all unreliable.

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Yes, from Jürgen’s mouth.

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Wouldn’t it be precisely because of that, being that we’re asking him to perform at a high level after being out for a long time?

Yes and when you add in how ineffective we seem to be in possession it seems we are 1 bad pass (which we are doing a fair few of them) away from being exposed.

It’s strange when you think about it because historically we’d have our central defenders on the half way line, with Fab roaming around in front of them (about 10 yards away) so the space they should be covering shouldn’t be that big… Yet it seems huge.

Another sicknote

Saw this on Reddit from yesterday’s match…massive gaps from defensive line to mid-field to link up play. However, wasn’t that about the time our boys played manc off the park?

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Wonder if Stevie keeping close tabs on his former club and the Morelos situation.

I reckon he could do well in the Prem for a club like Villa.

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Hot headed twat would get sent off regularly.

Eeerr, what midfield!? That still shows absolutely zero players of ours in the centre of the pitch. I get we’re supposed to be all fluid and dynamic and all that but that’s crazy. That isn’t a massive gap to midfield. That’s a non-existent midfield.

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That shows our problems, they have 3 out balls directly onto to our backline… Wtf is Hendo doing? I get make a pass option but to vacate the center is crazy

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“It’s alright guys, it’s Van Dijk…we can keep on hiding he’ll still find us.”

Other than Joe nobody is giving a short option. And everyone except Robbo is marked out

Just imagine where Joe would have to be if he wasn’t an option…? Probably in the stands sat next to Nunez.

Long diagonal to Trent maybe on but by time Virgil lifts his head and makes the pass, Malacia may have been there to nod it away.

Other than Thiago we don’t have that player in midfield who’s always demanding the ball and straight away looking to see what forward passes are on…That’s perhaps why he is our most valuable player in midfield, without him we’re disjointed.

(Keita) His injury just a day before he was due to play at Old Trafford highlights the problem completely. Klopp can’t rely on him. Dortmund are interested, and any money received could be used to find a replacement. Moises Caceido at Brighton is one possible solution. He fits the profile in terms of age and numbers…a player of incredible promise who is now a Premier League regular in a fine team at the age of 20.

But guess what, Brighton know all that. They know what that promise could add up to, and he’s contracted until 2025. So the chance of signing him now is remote. Or zero. Take your pick depending on your optimism.