The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Dont forget about hickey at bologna, and paterson at everton all fbs…

C’mon how could anyone forget about the Bologna FB!

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What, him?

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I get what you are saying,
But hes been linked to Newcastle for 20M.

Is Robbo vs Tierney really a dilemma?

Give 'em both a free role. See what happens.

It shouldn’t be a problem given that Robbo is significantly better than Tierney.


Clarke found a good way so far, Tierney at LCB in a 3, Robbo at LWB.

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Weren’t they using Robbo at right back for a while.

To be honest, I’ve often wondered why we can’t be a bit more creative with our full backs, since we’ve got three brilliant ones. Tsimikas is excellent with both feet. I thought we’d have had a look at him on the right at some point.

There are probably really clever football reasons I dont understand.


Nah, I don’t think Robbo was ever at RB for Scotland. Tierney was a few times, but not more.

It happens rarely, but it happens more with right footed players, like Maldini or Arbeloa.

It’s a defensive and sensitive position, you don’t even see left footed CB’s play RCB (only in case of emergency), let alone full backs.

He definitely was used there, at least for a couple of games. I think it was around the time of the qualifiers, last Autumn. I think Scotland had some Covid issues.

Anyways, I don’t think Robbo should be used off the right for us, but I would definitely be interested to see if Kostas could do anything over there.

Agree. Tsimikas seemed a better option for us at RB than either Millie or (at least until his TAA like-assist) JoGo. Especially if we lose JoGo, would think we could play him at RB for 5-10 games next season along with another 15 at LB to keep everyone fresh.

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Agreed. I love Robbo, but think he’s easily the most one footed player we have.

Being one footed is something only left footers get accused of.


Don’t think there’s any clever reasons, just that we can’t take any risks at this stage of the season, and TAA and Robbo have evolved to be so important to the team in their positions. I imagine over the summer and at start of next season he might experiment more with Tsimi

In my athletic experience (granted mostly basketball). Left handers on average develop their off hand less as youth players than right handers. I think because young defenders struggle against someone naturally going the opposite direction of most players.

But there are certainly right footed players who are clearly one footed.

There is a very tenuous report out of Italy claiming that Juventus are going to table a 13 mil. euro bid for Tsimikas.

Wouldnt surprise me if we get bids for him. I hope he stays though.


So they’re hoping to buy his right bootlace?

Unless it is cash up front and we actually wait for the bank to confirm it, especially knowing how Italian clubs like to fuck around with loans with an optinal buy then wait till the contract expires they can just fuck right off


Triple that


That would buy his right boot, what about the rest?

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