The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 2)

So Melo was our #1 fit we were after all along then yes?

I agree, I think Tielemans is better than a lot on here say he is and donā€™t think he has an attitude problem at all. Heā€™s playing for a garbage manager. Melo hurt himself in a car crash whilst drunk driving, Iā€™d be more concerned about that than anything Tielemans has done.

But that doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m absolutely desperate for us to sign him, there are better fits out there, particularly bearing in mind what our midfield is actually missing right now. Thereā€™s been a lot of clamour on here for players who wouldnā€™t actually solve our current midfield issues.

Jones is back, Thiago is back soon. Melo might not even be needed all too much. He might end up looking quite good. Iā€™m not expecting fireworks but Iā€™m at least willing to see him first before throwing a tantrum.


Hi guys


The party line since Klopp decided he wanted a midfielder about a week ago was that we were ā€œattempting to find a mix of what Thiago and Naby Keita provide with ball retention and carriesā€

Since people who seem to know what theyā€™re talking about are saying he is very much like Thiago in many respects, then I wouldnā€™t be surprised that out of the available midfielders that he was very much our number one target.

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Looks like a shorter Adrian.

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Heā€™s sitting down mate


You shouldnā€™t write this after writing the following post

Nobody has said we HAVE to go for a loan player. What if we have definitely got a deal in place for Jude next year? We may also have had talks with another midfielder and decided that those 2 along with our current crop is enough. Klopp may have said he wants a player for ONLY 1 year so they donā€™t get in the way of the new incoming players or the youngsters coming through. All of this may be wrong though but i find it funny how youā€™re bringing up others using baseless suggestions when youā€™re using them.

Should also mention MarcusBerglund in this too as heā€™s already decided that itā€™s the owners fault and wonā€™t be swayed. Youā€™ve just decided weā€™ve made a mistake and have to get someone on loan. You also think we left it late in the window but Klopp was expecting Thiago and Jones back soon, he may have decided we could make it a few more weeks especially as he didnā€™t know Keitas illness was ongoing and Hendo would do his hamstring beforehand.


Oh, hell no. But if we need to ā€˜panicā€™, better to panic with a loan player with potential upside than to get rinsed on deadline day for someone we didnā€™t want just three weeks ago. It appears the club has a ā€˜who we really wantā€™, probably not available until next June. It can be frustrating, but the discussion we are having is a lot like the one that was happening around our defence - when we ended up with VvD rather later.


Im sorry but thats just too a sensible reasoning.


How do you reason that.

Oh, I hadnā€™t realised.

Looks like a shorter Adrian, whilst sat down.

Have we handed him a long-term contract then?

The guy has not cost us a beanā€¦ wages yes, but that is to be expected
We need someone we can put into the side like ā€˜Right Nowā€™ā€¦ he fits the bill
He is fit and available, which to me makes him more important at the moment than the many that are still on the treatment tableā€¦ Another way to look at it, is that we might not need him in a few weeks when others become fitā€¦
Lets give the lad a chance, for he might surprise us


Please open the Welcome to Liverpool thread @Nikola


He just said goodbye to Juveā€¦
Or maybe more of a thank you for letting him leave :wink:

Apparently his brother Marsh is his agentā€¦!

Taxiā€¦ :0)

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He is kind of announcing himselfā€¦ he changed already his Twitter account bio to Liverpool :joy:

This guy canā€™t wait


Anyone seen him play 10 games?

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This Caicedo stuff seems to be 2+2=5 following Gilmourā€™s moveā€¦but you never know.

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Juve are all over the place. Im seeing now they are in talks to send Zakiaria to Chelsea, someone who only got there on a long term deal 6 months ago.

They have at some point in this window floated getting rid of every single CM they already had except for Locatelli and the only ones they have left are the ones they couldnt find moves for or players they brought in - Pogba (injured), Paredes (loan). I think people really underestimate the human side of this and hopefully we can provide a once good player a platform to show heā€™s better than he was allowed to show while stuck in that mess of a club.