The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Most fans do that… I assume you’ve seen some of our player threads :wink:


In Scotland £4m is a pretty massive fee, especially outside of Celtic or Rangers. That probably funds all of Aberdeen’s transfers this summer by just selling a single 18 year old. Unless he’s a bona fide world beater I can see why many fans would be saying he’s not good enough to keep at that price, it’s just a different scale.


Reminds me of the Danny Wilson signing, hopefully it goes down a better route but it looks like he’s a buy for the academy.

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Bayern want to sign Mane in the summer according to sky sports Germany.

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I bet they do. Why would he take a step down at this stage?


Rumours he’s not impressed with the focus on Salahs contract rather than his own which is just the media shit stirring again. If we got a good fee I’d probably let him go though. Push Jota to the left full time and let’s Fabio Caravahlo take the middle spot

And weakens us in the process, significantly.


Wouldn’t Diaz go to the left?

If Mane goes I expect we would sign someone else but I think it’s just bullshit.


We absolutely robbed them for Thiago who was a similar age and also had one year left on his contract.

No way they’re coming with an offer north of the £25m we paid for Thiago.


That’s a big downgrade. Aside from goals Jota’s not close to replacing all the other work Mane does for the team


If Mane went we would buy someone to replace him.

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We already did and he’s killing it.


Yeah but if Origi and Minimino go we’d be short, we will likely refresh the front three, I assume Salah will see out his contract.

I expect we have our eye on a few.

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That’s embarrassing how have I forgot about Diaz :sob::joy::joy:

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Which summer :thinking:. I hope they do know Mane isn’t FREE this summer :laughing:

Jeez now there’s talk about a swap Gnabry who is refusing a new contract for Sadio.:woman_facepalming:

100% horseshit media construct based in no part of reality, only printed to stir things up.

No one knows how Sadio feels but I’ll play along for 5 seconds, even in the off chance Sadio did feel some kind of way he’d never express that to the media. Zero point zero chance. There is a siege mentality about our room, and no one would leak that.

Further, it was expressly stated at the time of The Boss’s new deal he wants Sadio’s deal sorted quickly.

This not aimed at you @Euphoria, it’s my reply to that dumb ‘report’.


I’m offended :frowning: no joking I agree fully.

Mundo Deportivo reporting that Mane would be open to a Barcelona transfer.