The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Olivia Wilde Reaction GIF

Cheers for taking that out of context :wink:

PSG would be a terrible move for Salahā€¦ I would like to think he is smarter than that. Too many aging stars who canā€™t run anymore, too many who want to be on the ball and the center of things and no balance.

I assume heā€™d talk to gini and iā€™d be very disappointed if that is where he went.


Weā€™re probably not that hot on Vieira if weā€™re not willing to cough up immediately.

It is nice we seem to have a good relationship with Porto, though. They crap talent.

May simply be a matter of timing. Porto may not be looking to sell until next year?


Messi is apparently off to the MLS so the stars would seem to be aligning for Mo and a PSG move, have to say I can see it happening. Crazy thing is Iā€™m not worried about it weā€™re that good at recruiting now.
Still hoping we get the contracts sorted asap though.

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No doubt but whoever chooses PSG to be their next club is going there for the money and thatā€™s all. Another commercial football club company just like Man United.

My worry is PSG take the money they have offered Mbappe (rumoured to be Ā£200mil over 2 years to the player/agent), cross out Mbappe and send it to Abbas.

Is the Gini story comparable? Not too sure, Salah would be a guaranteed starter which is the problem with Gini heā€™s not, he was brought in as a squad player. Would Mo like a season with Messi and Neymar? Maybe, youā€™d imagine that sounds pretty fun from his perspective.

Letā€™s not overlook the influence of the wives, in these situations also. If Moā€™s wife wants to remain living in the Merseyside area, heā€™s staying. If she fancies a couple of years living in Paris, heā€™s going.


Chuck in those 200 million pounds to Liverpool and I think Iā€™d sell if it was up to me. PSG is a football non-entity, a collection of brilliant players but without a soul. No wonder Mbappe wants to jump ship.


The question is; how to replace him?

Yeah I think FSG sell if we get that level of offer. I also think they are fine with him running down his contract and leaving on a free.

What weā€™ve repeatidly seen in the reports about his new contract and the impass is down to ā€œrecognitionā€, you could easily argue being paid the same as Mbappe does tick that box.

With hard work and tactical smart decisions, like how we replace any player that leaves.

Granted we havenā€™t always got it right straight away, but with Klopp and Edwards, we have more times than we have got it wrong, and hopefully Ward has been learning under Edwards how to get things right more than getting things wrong


I love Mo to bits but Iā€™m pretty frustrated by his situation as a regular fan. His 2021 level might have been unsustainable in the long run but if his 2022 was literally half as good in terms of numbers and if Liverpool won Champions League (big ā€œifā€, I know, but bear with me), heā€™d probably get the recognition he craves in the form of Ballon dā€™Or. Heā€™s handed it over to Benzema over the last two or three months.


Donā€™t worry. Given how heavy the whole industry is on narratives, all he needs to do is score a hat-trick in the final while we humiliate Real Madrid 9-0 and heā€™ll easily get that tinpot.


Yeah if we win the CL and the PL then Iā€™d sell him (assuming we can get 100m) if he wonā€™t resign. Itā€™s all about trophies though and if we donā€™t win both comps then we will need to go hell for leather in the PL from game 1 next season and that means Iā€™d keep him. If we win the quadruple though then the 2xPL and 2xCL Klopp legacy means we can afford to think longer term and taking the cash to bring in a long term high quality forward would be the way to go.


Canā€™t help but think Mane makes much more sense for PSG than Mo.

At this point Mane makes more sense on every level

Funny how people see things in different ways. Itā€™s not all about trophies for me. Obviously I want us to win the CL and PL, but itā€™s been a great season with wonderful memories either way. I enjoy football for the weekly distraction and joy of the 90mins, and hope Salah will stay and be part of these for the rest of his career!