The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Great if he wants to stay. The less the club has to do, the better. Then they can just tweak the things they want to.


I think this shows that Mbappe is only interested in the money and has no ambition. PSG have offered him stupid money and heā€™s accepted. It doesnā€™t seem to matter to him that he will be playing in a shit league for the next few years, playing against the same shit teams.


Yep whilst I take it with a pinch of salt, some of the conditions he asked for allegedly, like having a say in the new sporting director, manager and player would be clear red flags that Klopp would tell him to do one.


looks like La Liga are upset by the Mbappe dealā€¦

I specially liked this partā€¦

Spainā€™s La Liga reacted angrily to the news, calling the deal ā€œscandalousā€ and announcing it plans to file a complaint to Uefa as well as French and EU authorities.

ā€œThis type of agreement threatens the economic sustainability of European football,ā€ read a La Liga statement, adding that it put ā€œhundreds of thousands of jobs and sporting integrity at risk in the medium term, not only from European competitions, but also from our domestic leaguesā€.

sporting integrity?

where was the sporting intrigity when Real and Barca were paying huge fees for players or tapping up the best players through the media?

sounds like La Liga are throwing their toys out of their pram


Yeah, first they lost Neymar to Ligue 1, then Messi. And now Mbappe has chosen to stay there. Thatā€™s some huge prestige/commercial losses for them the last years. And then seemingly they missed out on Haaland as well, who chose the PL.


Madrid could have signed up Haaland with much less fuss than spend all that time looking for mbappe who from the looks of it has been given buttloads of money by qatar and has the likes of macron pressurizing him to stay (for the benefit of the french leagues and the related ecosystem etc).

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And Madrid and La Liga can go fuck themselves. You get the feeling that the only reason why they both wanted Mbappe was because La Liga (after a long time) dont quite have marketable footballers to earn revenue off of. For a long time , cr7 and messi were those bankable guys whom you could count on would justify the television rights package costs etc etc.

And while La Liga has quite a lot of top top players , there were none with the marketability of mbappe.

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No disrespect to Villa and Stevie but Gomez might rather want to play 20 to 25 games a season for another couple of years knowing that liverpool eventually will have to phase out Matip rather than going to Villa which at best can be a europa conference team.

If Gomez has to shift , it might rather be to a team like Arsenal which probably is guaranteed a top 5 with a fairly good chance of 4th.

Similar reason as to why Origi didnt want Wolves and instead signs for AC Milan i guess.

LFC might want to cut Gomez (considering his injury issues) if a fair price comes in , but English CB are premium nowadays (especially after maguire and white transfers). Might be well worth giving Gomez a 3 year deal and then wait for an increased offer the season after if the injuries continue.

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On today of all days!


Tell you what Villa, if you take points of Cheaty then we will sell you Gomez for a fair price this summer (if he wants to leave). Fair?

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I think it is karma for them over those years where they were dominant. Hahahaā€¦I think it all started from the rise of Petrol-money going into the game. These spanish buggers should have seen it coming from a long way. Roman Abravmovich did give a sneak preview to the world of how without a strict FFP, a man can literally play Football Manager in real life. Then the petrol-money came in . First, it was Man City followed by PSG.

UEFA could have instituted a very strict FFP and ā€œFit and Proper testā€ but they chose not to do it lolā€¦

Now, the La Liga has realised that they got literally zero highly marketable player in their league already. If La Liga lobbied very strongly in UEFA for a strict FFP and FPT upon seeing petrol-money coming into the game , this shit wouldnā€™t have happened to them. Neymar left, Messi left, Ronaldo left and Mbappe refused to go to Madrid. They only have Karim Benzema and Antoine Griezemann lol!

Now, Barce is skint and Real Madrid has an aging squad. It really doesnā€™t look good for them, ainā€™t it?


Iā€™ll even add in a loan deal as well.

It will be the start of a new round of drama 2 years from now. Lolā€¦I wonder what will happen to PSG after Mbappe assumes the appointment of Sporting Director ,Player and Captain in the same capacity.

Why do I get a sneaky feeling that the BPL will eventually get embroiled into this similar matter by Man City??

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Real Madrid going for Tchouameni now, according to Santi Aouna, a French journalist.

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Yeah and sadly for us they will sign him. A very good young player with huge potential.

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Still not got that chip off your shoulder. Letā€™s see what happens, they were always in for him with us.

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Not someone whoā€™s a priority for Madrid though. Their priority is a well recognized guy who can get sponsorship , revenue for the club etc etc.

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Hopefully, Julian Ward and Michael Edwards does a Luiz Diaz on them. Hopefully, our first team does a number on RM in the CL final as well. Probably, we need to tell him that he will play with Thiago and Fabinho and be the real successor to Steven Gerrard.

Heck, he has the chance to also play for the best coach in the world who can bring you to a whole new level. You play for RM, you are just a cog for them. If you donā€™t perform, be prepared to get the Bale treatment.

I think this isnt really an issue at the moment. Barca and Real Madrid are still highly marketable clubs. Real Madrid is probably the top brand in football and from this year will see a roughly 50%+ increase on its pre pandemic revenues, while it has been cutting playing costs since 2020. They will move on from the Mbappe saga and continue their rebuild.